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"is it just me or do they seem kinda cocky ?" akaashi said to atsumu and kenma as they walked away to their classes

"it's not just ya, that guy with the mask, he gave me an attitude for no reason, i can tell he's not used to it which gets me irritated, don't get me wrong hes hot and all but that attitude and personality, i don't like it at all, look at him he's way behind us because he doesn't wanna be seen with us" atsumu said

"hm yeah they seem cocky especially the one with the mask, i don't get the deal with reputations and stuff but, the guy with the bed head hair, hes kinda cute and i like his voice but i don't know" kenma said softly

"wow someone grabbed your attention kenma, the only one i found good looking was the one with those pretty golden eyes, it reminded me of an owl" akaashi said

"HEY YOU NERDS" they all rolled their eyes and turned around time to act they all thought "w-what do you g-guys need.." kenma said softly

"well you see we have a project that's due in a few days and you guys are gonna do it" one of the guys said. akaashi sighed and looked at the other two

guys i don't wanna do a project, we're busy with the fights this week akaashi said through his expressions neither do i but we can't be suspicious atsumu then said

i mean we can just ignore them kenma suggested and akaashi and atsumu shrugged agreeing "oi nerds why the fuck you guys keep looking at eachother like that" another guy said

they three just looked at the group of "bullies" infront of them then walked away, going to their class "OI DONT IGNORE US YOU DUMB FUCKS"

sakusa didn't want to interfere since he didn't care but then they started to get on his nerve but as soon as he was about to interfere, his eyes widened when akaashi responded back

akaashi rolled his eyes "i know you're not calling us dumb fucks when you're the ones stupid enough to have failed a year but yikes guess we all can't be smart, if you're stupid just say that." akaashi said putting his hands on his hips while atsumu and kenma tried holding in their laughter

"so you nerds think you're all bad, you're all bark no bite" one said walking towards akaashi and the other two started walking to atsumu and kenma

atsumu and kenma sighed knowing they didn't wanna fight when not needed, but they weren't gonna let themselves get beat up

the guy infront of akaashi tried punching akaashi who dodged it quickly "now now don't need to get all violent" akaashi said calmly

"h-how you'd dodge that.. you're just a bunch of n-nerds" the guy said "yes i suppose i am a nerd although i just don't like bullies" akaashi deadpans

the guy who was infront of atsumu and the one infront do akaashi tried to hit akaashi at the same time which akaashi dodged both hits which made the guy fall "stop, it's getting boring and i rather not be even more late to class then i already am, now if you'll excuse us, we have to get going and we won't do your project" the three walked away

"akaashi i forget how badass ya are at times" atsumu said and akaashi giggled "all i did was dodge it, besides i have to save my energy for the fight later today" akaashi said sighing

"ugh i almost forgot about the fights today" kenma said "i wonder how oikawa is doing right now with the 3 guys" atsumu said

"hm i wonder to but let's get to class, we're already late because of them" akaashi said "okay let's go" atsumu said, the three went into their classrooms

sakusa eyes widened, he tried overhearing their conversation but had no luck

"why were you guys late" the teacher said "we had to help the 4 guys who were suspended" akaashi said and the teachers eyes widened "the guys who were in juvie.." she said with fear in her voice

"ah yes i'm pretty sure it was those so yes" atsumu said and nodded "o-okay.. i'll let it slide." she said and the three nodded and went to their seats, while the other students were looking at them confused on how they seemed like they weren't scared at all, knowing what they did (although they didn't know, since they didn't care)

"who are you ?" the teacher asked once sakusa entered the classroom "one of the guys who went to juvie" sakusa said and her eyes widened "y-you're in this class..?" she asked

"obviously" sakusa said, the three looked at eachother "do you think he heard us" kenma shook his head "no but he probably saw us" akaashi sighed and face palmed himself

"how could we forget about him" akaashi said "i don't know.. i doubt he'll mention it again, he probably forgot about it" atsumu said and akaashi and kenma sighed then nodded

okay i originally had them working as strippers but i was like nah might as well make them underground fighters because why not 🤺

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