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the 2nd years and oikawa left the school more quickly then the others, as the 3rd years and sakusa was about to leave, they overheard something.

"no way, akaashi the nerd did that ?" bokuto looked at who was talking, since they mentioned akaashis name "yeah that dumb bitch made a complete fool out of me dodging those fucking punches making me fall"

"we should teach that nerd a lesson" "i agree, he shouldn't have embarrassed me" the guy said cracking his knuckles

bokuto went behind them and the other 3 followed behind him, bokuto tapped the guy in the shoulder "WHAT" the guy said angry, but his eyes widened when he saw who it was

"now now, don't fucking yell at me, now please tell me why you both plan on jumping my akaashi ?" bokuto said with a low tone, but he was serious.

"b-because.. he dodged my punched a-and made me fall.. and talked back to me.. and i wanted to teach him a l-lesson" bokuto laughed god my kaashi is such a badass, making me fall for him even more

"y-you can help us if you want" bokuto stop laughing and his smile dropped "you think.. that i wanna hurt my akaashi ?"

the guy gulped "y-your akaashi ?" bokuto nodded "yeah.. mine now, you're not gonna touch or talk to akaashi, neither of you guys" the guy furrowed his eyebrows "n-no... i'm gonna teach him a l-lesson"

bokuto was radiating with anger at this point, he punched the guy in the nose and he fell on the floor "now listen, if i hear that one of you guy hurt akaashi, you're gonna answer to me, got it ?" bokuto said, the two males nodded

"good, let's go guys, i'm tired" bokuto said, and he started walking and the two followed "who knew you were so protective when it comes to akaashi" bokuto shrugged "i don't want him hurt, hearing that he can defend himself puts me at ease, but i don't want someone to hurt him" bokuto said

"trust me, your boyfriend can defend himself" sakusa said, bokuto looked back at him "he's not my boyfriend yet but what do you mean ?" bokuto asked

"well the first day we came, a group of 3 guys went infront of each of them, the one you punched was infront of akaashi

at first they were just ignoring him, but then one infront of akaashi called them dumb fucks and akaashi called him dumb since he's the one who needed help with a project, and the guy then tried punching him, but akaashi dodged it, then the guy got mad and tried punching him twice, which akaashi dodged again quickly, and the guy fell like he said, your boyfriend is more badass then you think, he didn't even manage to get hit once, and the guy who was bullying them was throwing the punches quickly" sakusa said and the three were shocked

"yeah that's my future mans and what about it ?" bokuto said smirking "did kenma and atsumu seem scared ?" kuroo asked "nah they were laughing, i was confused, i thought they were pussies when we first met them, and atsumu could pack a punch, he gave me a good upper cut, it actually hurt but kenma wasn't scared at all"

"i didn't think the nerds of the school were badass" iwaizumi said "neither did i" sakusa said shrugging "hm well let's go home now" iwaizumi said and the other three nodded

they went inside the car and started driving home, when they arrived, bokuto went to his room to text akaashi but before he could, someone knocked on his door "come in" bokuto said

sakusa opened the door "can i talk to you for a second ?" sakusa said and bokuto nodded "okay well it's about you and akaashi, i'm assuming you know he had trust issues" bokuto nodded "i know i wouldn't usually say these things but take your time with him, you have his number right ?" bokuto nodded again

"okay text him, and just make him trust you, you're one of my bestfriends.. i want you to be happy" bokuto was in the verge of tears "OH MY GOD EVERYONE SAKUSA IS A SOFTIE" bokuto yelled wiping his tears, sakusa rolled his eyes "i shouldn't have talked" sakusa sighed and left the room

bokuto laughed softly, then unlocked his phone and texted akaashi

hey hey heyyy

akaashi was laying on his bed while reading when he saw a notification, it was bokuto how did he get my number ? he gave me his, not the other way around.. ugh don't tell me he texted me when he had my phone


atleast sound like you wanna text me

how about.... no now why are you texting me

i- rude, and because i wanted to :D

did you stop and think if i even wanted to text you ?

um no but YOU answered ME so 😗

okay i just won't answer you

WAIT NOO, i just wanna text you, i promise im not that bad

why do you wanna text me ?

cause i like you duh

no you don't

yes i do 😡

tell me why then

because i think you're pretty and badass

so because of my looks ?

IKSIS i like you for you, like everything about you

well i'm sorry but i cant give you what you want

how do you even know what i want hm

you want me, and i cant give you me because i have issues that prevent me from fully giving myself to someone and i don't ever plan to, i know youre kind and i know you're gonna hurt me

that hurt more than it should've..

wow have you ever stopped to think that maybe i'd wait, i get you have trust issues, i don't know why, but i won't pressure you. wow you know my kind ? what exactly is my kind ? a bad person just because i was in juvie ? wow just because people call me a delinquents doesn't mean i don't have fucking feelings

ugh i didn't mean like that bokuto, you're just gonna hurt me and play me, and i'll end up hurting you

wow.. what the fuck, if only you knew how much i care about you

bokuto ?

you can no longer contact this person.

"shit i messed up" akaashi said before he groaned in frustration

i hate school 🥲

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