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*next day*

everyone was at lunch, bokuto was sitting across from akaashi, he wanted to ask for akaashis number since whenever he tried, he always pussied out

just do it, it's not that hard just say can i have your number.. what if he says no ? and they laugh at me ?... no they wont.. it's always a possibility, but he could say yes, and me and him could text everyday and all night.. ugh okay i'm convinced, i should just get it over with

everyone was talking except bokuto and akaashi, akaashi was on his phone reading while listening to music "psst akaashi" bokuto said poking akaashis hand

akaashi took out his airpods and looked at bokuto "hm what ?" he said confused "c-can... erm heh" shit why the fuck am i so nervous for, ugh i blame his face, yup.. he's too pretty, like those gunmetal blue eyes.. hot eyebrows, perfect lips, smooth skin.. pretty hair, prefect jawline.. how can someone be so perfect.. oh my god did i die ? has this just been a dream ? am i in heaven ? like is akaashi an angel ?? there's no way someone can he that pretty.. right ? oh my shitballs

"BOKUTO" akaashi said making bokuto snap out of his thoughts "huh what ?" bokuto said "ive been calling your name for a minute now, you zoned out, what were you gonna ask me ?"

bokuto took a deep breathe it's now or never "can i get your n-number ?" bokuto said looking away while fiddling with his fingers

"oh um yeah sure" akaashi said giving him his phone, bokuto eyes widened ... so you're telling me i was overthinking for no reason ..? i- i hate it here

bokuto grabbed the phone and put his number in akaashis contact and texted himself, since he didn't think akaashi would text him first, he then gave akaashi his phone back and gave him a smile, which akaashi didn't return

you can't trust him.. he'll just leave you like mom and dad did.. akaashi took a deep breathe, before put his airpods back in and started reading again, but the gunmetal blue eyed boy couldn't concentrate since his mind was having battle wether or not to trust bokuto, and before he knew it, the bell rang.

akaashi and the other 2nd years started walking to their class, sakusa was talking with atsumu, the two males have been talking non stop and texting non stop as well

"psst omi omi, ya know we should get bokuto and akaashi together, and kuroo and kenma together as well" atsumu said smirking, sakusa nodded "i agree, i'm tired of bokuto and kuroo always complaining on how akaashi and kenma are pretty and stuff like that" sakusa said sighing

"okay but it's gonna be hard for bokuto and akaashi, but i think kuroo and kenma will be easy" atsumu said and sakusa agreeing

"hey akaashi, do you think kuroo likes me ?" kenma said curiously, akaashi looked down at his friend before nodding "yup"

kenma blushed "r-really ..?" akaashi nodded once more "well i think bokuto likes you" akaashi sighed "kenma.. you already know this, it won't happen" kenma sighed "i know but you should just atleast give him a try" akaashi said then gave him a weak smile

"i- i'll think about it kenma" kenma nodded, the two boys started talking about other things, till they reached their classroom.

atsumu of course sitting with sakusa, he took out his phone and texted sakusa

so mission bokuaka started now ! how should we proceed ?

... whats a bokuaka ?

it's bokuto and akaashis ship name duh, are you dumb ?

no i'm smart :P

... um chile anyways so, back to the topic !! so how do we get them together

well first akaashi and bokuto have to become friends, like close friends, and akaashi has to trust bokufo

yeah i understand that, but that's hard for akaashi, ya know this !!! hm we can't force akaashi to get with bokuto, hm this is hard

it is, but i think bokuto would do anything in his power to make akaashi happy or atleast he'll try


oh that's hopeless, iwaizumi has straight up flirted with oikawa but oikawa just rejects him each time 😗

oop- that's just how oikawa is, he has minor trust issues, but they aren't as bad as akaashis, but i think oikawa likes iwaizumi, he's just in denial

yeah i agree, ive seen oikawa look at iwaizumi, when he thinks no one is looking

oh ? 👀

mhmmm, you should try convincing oikawa to atleast let iwaizumi take him on one date

i'll try but i cant guarantee it'll work

it's the effort that counts

i don't get why they can't just ask eachother out like it's not that hard

stop lying, you like omi, and yet you can't ask him out dumbass

so if you liked anyone you'd straight up ask them out ?

um yeah

.. so he doesn't like me because if he did he would've asked me out.. i mean why would he like me. ugh stupid sakusa, you're so naive thinking someone like atsumu would like a germaphobe freak like you sakusa thought to himself

oh okay

would you ?

no i wouldn't

why not ?

i'd be scared if i'm being honest beside.. i've never liked anyone before so i never had to

huh okay.. so i'm assuming he doesn't like anyone either then atsumu thought

oh makes sense, it you've seriously never liked anyone before ?

no have you ?

nah, besides why would i ? everyone in this school hates me since i'm a "nerd", so they'd bully me even though it never affected me


huh i forgot about that, do people still bully you ?

eh not really, this year is different for some reason, i don't know why

well atleast that's good, anyways what are you doing this weekend ?

oh my twin brother is coming over to visit tomorrow :D

.... you have a twin ??

yes but i'm the prettier version

sure you are

:O take that back 🤺

my apologies, i take it back.. kidding :P

👁👄👁... i hate it here

sorry not sorry


sakusa gasped "wow.. you really do be mean though" atsumu giggled softly then gave a serious face "shut yer trap omi omi"

not me writing another chapter with 1,000 words 🤺 and not me writing this when it's almost 3am, and i have school tomorrow :P

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