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*next day*


the delinquents were currently getting ready for their fight thats in half an hour. "are you guys ready ? we're gonna miss our fight" iwaizumi said "yeah yeah we're coming" sakusa said "good now bokuto and kuroo hurry up or we're leaving you" bokuto and kuroo raced down the stairs "we're here" bokuto said smiling and iwaizumi and sakusa rolled their eyes and they started walking to the car

once they arrived at the place, they went to the locker rooms. bokuto was up first, although the delinquents didn't use masks or anything, they were fine with people knowing their identity unlike akaashi and the others

bokuto went inside the ring and smiled "hey hey hey everyone" he said energetically "ugh shut up you're annoying" his opponent said your attitude gives me an excuse to not go easy on you bokuto thought as he smirked "and begin"

his opponent tried punching him but bokuto grabbed his wrist before it could hit his face, he then twisted it and smirked "shouldn't have called me annoying" bokuto said grabbing the guys face and kneeing his face, which made him fall back and bokuto took it as an opportunity to go on top of him and punch him twice before knocking him out unconscious

"next time don't call me annoying, it's very rude.. oh right you can't hear me since you're unconscious and all" bokuto said giggling and left the ring "a-and the one and o-only bokuto won.." the guy said nervously and everyone clapped

"now give it for sakusa" sakusa grabbed his mask and put it on and put on hand sanitizer "ugh i don't know why i did this, they're all gross with germs" sakusa said dragging his feet out of the locker room to the ring

"oh why wear a mask ? i wanna see your pretty face" the guy said and sakusa mentally gagged disgusting..
sakusa backed away since due to disgust "oh don't be scared, i'll make sure to not hit your pretty face" sakusa cracked his knuckles youre going down ya big ugly germ

"and go !" sakusa punche the guy right in the nose "don't call me pretty next time" then he punched his throat making the guy gasp, sakusa punched his throat once more but with more strength "oop i think you lost the ability to talk" sakusa said smiling behind his mask

the guy tried talking but not a word could escape, sakusa then punched his face again "and here i thought you couldn't get any uglier" sakusa said releasing a low chuckle

"okay i'm bored now" sakusa said giving him an uppercut to knock him out "and sakusa is the winner" sakusa left the ring and grabbed hand sanitizer and put some on his hand

"now hurry up, i wanna go home to take a shower" sakusa said, it was now iwaizumi turn. iwaizumi opponent was taller, so iwaizumi had to look up at the guy

"i'm not fighting a short guy" the guy said which made iwaizumi angrier huh you're gonna regret calling me short when i make you scream in pain.

"just fight or are you a pussy ?" iwaizumi said making the guy angrier so the fight will be funner "alright fine, but don't say i didn't warn ya"

"and begin" the guy immediately started running towards iwaizumi to try and punch him but iwaizumi moved out of the way, and turned around quickly to kick him, making him fall face first, the guy got angrier and stood up wiped his bloody nose with his shirt

"you dumb bitch" he said which made iwaizumi chuckle "someone's a bit salty" iwaizumi said. the other fighter tried punching iwaizumi again who grabbed his arm and pushed it away, iwaizumi then kicked his knee hard that made a crack noise, and the fighter screamed in pain

"oh my, my legs slipped" iwaizumi said scratching the back of his neck, since the guy was on the floor since iwaizumi broke his left leg, which made it hard for the guy to stand up

iwaizumi stood up ontop of him and looked down "my my look who's the short one now" iwaizumi said smirking, he then crouched down and grabbed the guys arm

he twisted it slowly but the pain was excruciating for the other guy "ow ow stop it" the guy said in verge of tears from the pain "hm i don't know, the fights stop when one of us is unconscious" iwaizumi said "and you're not unconscious so i can play with you all i want" iwaizumi said smirking

"y-you're OW CRAZY" "um no i'm not.. okay maybe alittle" iwaizumi said, he then stopped twisting his arm, and grabbed his hand "maybe i should break a finger before i make you unconscious" iwaizumi said making a thinking face

iwaizumi then nodded "yeah i'll do that" iwaizumi grabbed the guys pinky and folded it all the way back till he heard a crack noise, he then sighed "it broke more easily then i thought it would"

iwaizumi then punched the guy in the face once before he fell unconscious "hm that was fun" he said standing up, everyone was shocked, after a few seconds they started clapping, but some were frightened "w-well looks like i-iwaizumi one" the guy said practically shitting his pants" iwaizumi went inside the locker room with a sadistic smile "... crazy bitch you remind me of the guy they called star 2 days ago" iwaizumi shrugged "his fault for calling me short" iwaizumi said

"now for the final one give it up for kuroo" kuroo smirked then went out of the locker room, practically skipping till he was inside the ring "damn you kind of remind me of a rooster" his opponent said and kuroos smile dropped

what's with these opponent and insulting us "and start !" the guy quickly punched kuroo in the face which made kuroo stumble back a bit, he grabbed his face then released a chuckle "wrong move bitch"

kuroo cracked his neck and knuckles, he then slowly walked up to the guy. oh it's time to use the technique i learned.. hopefully it works, if it does it'll be fun

the guy tried punching kuroo again which kuroo dodged then went behind him, and literally chopped the back of his neck and the guy fell frontwards "ouuu yay it worked, i'm surprised.. i should've atleast punched you a few times before using it.. damn it" kuroo said sighing, his shoulders dropping, and left the ring frowning "well that was a quick fight, but give it up for kuroo"

kuroo went inside the locker room "huh that was good, you and that tiger guy from 2 days ago managed to knock them out with a weird technique but the other guys was better" sakusa said

"OI don't compliment me if you're gonna say that tiger guy was better, i have feelings ya know" sakusa rolled his eyes as kuroo frowned again "yeah yeah now let's go get the money" sakusa said and the other three nodded

anyways this chapter is like frigging over 1,000 words 🥲 the most ive written for a damn chapter ima cry 🥲 bye bye sugar plum fairies 🧚‍♀️🤺

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