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the bell had just rang, sakusa was gonna go to the music room when a voice stopped him "omi omi wait" atsumu said, sakusa turned around and looked at atsumu "yeah ?"

"can i go with you to the music room ?" atsumu asked and sakusa nodded, the two boys started walking to the music room together

"hey atsu, why did you want to come with me to the music room ?" sakusa asked, and atsumu sighed "it's just in the cafeteria i don't talk to the others because they're talking with your friends so i just got lonely so i wanted to go with you to the music room instead" sakusa made an "o" shape with his mouth which atsumu couldn't tell because of his mask

"that makes sense, and i'm glad you wanted to sit with me" sakusa mumbled the last part "huh what was the last part you said ?" atsumu asked

"n-nothing" sakusa said, and atsumu nodded, once they arrived at the music room, they both sat down in the seats

"is your twin brother still visiting you ?" atsumu shook his head "he left yesterday" atsumu said sadly "why doesn't he live with you ?" sakusa asked

"um you see my dad died and it was my fault.. and um my mom she left me, and took my brother with her, since she just blames me.. so i live with my friends, he visits me once a month but he said he'll try to visit more" atsumu said and sakusa looked at him with softened eyes

"how did he die ?" sakusa asked and atsumu took a deep breathe and looked at his lap before talkinh "um car crash, i-i almost died as well but he managed to shield me with his body which is how he died because he took of his seat belt in time to p-protect me.."

"it wasn't your fault" sakusa said and atsumu looked up at him "yes it was" sakusa slapped the back of atsumus head

"ouch what was that for ?" atsumu whined and pouted "listen and listen close because you're stupid" sakusa said and took a deep breathe and looked into atsumus eyes

"it wasnt your fault, because you're not the one who caused the car crash, also you didn't know your dad was gonna shield you, it was his choice to do it, not yours, so get that through your thick skill or i'll slap the shit out of you" atsumu started tearing up but wiped his tears quickly

sakusa panicked "im sorry if i made you cry atsu" sakusa said and atsumu smiled "no no thank you.. but r-you're right" he said and sakusa then smiled "no problem besides if you'd die i'd probably won't be the person i am today" sakusa said

"what do you mean ?" atsumu said tilting his head to the side in confusion "because.. i don't know i haven't been as angry as i was before, it's like you made me happier i suppose" atsumu blushed and looked away

"don't say things like that oh my god" atsumu covered his face with his hands and sakusa laughed, sakusa grabbed his hands and atsumu was shocked because of his phobia

"OMIII YOURE TOUCHING ME" atsumu said louder then he wanted to, sakusa let go off his hand and looked away "s-sorry.." sakusa said with regret

"n-no it's fine it's just arent you a germaphobe ?" atsumu said, sakusas eyes widened "i-i forgot" he said looking down

"how do you forget ?" atsumu asked "i-i don't know i-it's just, touching you doesn't.. bother me" sakusa said scratching the back of his neck nervously

atsumu put on his thinking face then grabbed sakusas hand, sakusa was shocked but he wasnt disgusted by atsumus touch

"oh so youre really not disgusted by my touch" atsumu said smiling "i feel special omi omi" sakusa rolled his eyes "just because i'm not disgusted doesn't mean i don't hesitate to spray lysol at you" atsumu let go off sakusas hand and backed away

"ima just back away slowly" sakusa rolled his eyes "i'm not gonna spray you, i was kidding" atsumu squinted his eyes and moved foward reluctantly

sakusa rolled his eyes and grabbed atsumus seat and dragged the chair next to him, so now they were beside eachother

"omi omi ? ohh i see.. if you wanted me to sit on your lap you could've just asked" atsumu said jokingly

"sit on my lap" sakusa said and atsumus eyes widened HUH ? WHAT ?

"w-what ?" atsumu said "you should if i want you to sit on my lap, to ask so i asked now sit" sakusa said with a serious expression

atsumu gulped then stood up and sat on his lap, sakusa snaked his arms around atsumus waist and rested his head on atsumus shoulder "hm" sakusa said softly "warm" he said nuzzling his face in atsumus neck

atsumus heart beat quickened holy shit i'm so fucking gay oh my god i think i'm having a gay panic holy shit

atsumu stood up and turned around to face sakusa, then atsumu straddled on sakusa lap, and sakusas arms around atsumu and atsumu slid his hands around sakusa neck and hugged him

the two were in the position for 10 minutes, both their heart beats quickening, and the two not wanting to let go, atsumu nuzzled his face into sakusas neck

sakusa shivered at his touch, sakusa hummed softly "yer comfortable omi-kun" atsumu said softly and sakusa smiled

"you too atsu" sakusa said holding atsumu tighter, and atsumu smiled i want this to happen everyday i feel so happy right now


the two boys didn't move even though the bell rang "we should get to class" atsumu said pulling away but sakusa held him tighter

"no" sakusa said "no ?" "no" atsumu smiled softly "we have to go to class omi" sakusa hook his head "no i wanna stay like this" atsumu sighed

"hm how about everyday at lunch we go to the music room and say like this the whole period" sakusa thought for a second then nodded

"okay okay you've convinced me" that was easier than i thought.. i guess he liked it as much as i did.. the two boys smiled at eachother, they started walking their hands grazing eachother

sakusa grabbed atsumus hand and held it, atsumu blushed at his actions but he didn't take his hand away, he just smiled.

delinquents ~ /bokuaka/iwaoi/sakuatsu/kuroken/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt