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*2 days later*

it was 1st period, oikawa and iwaizumi were sitting next to eachother. sakusa had told iwaizumi to ask oikawa out in a date, but iwaizumi knew oikawa wouldn't agree so he was debating whether or not to do ask him out

it took 10 minutes to build up the courage to ask him out, sure he's flirted with oikawa, but he never asked him out on a date

"hey oikawa" iwaizumi whispered, oikawa turned to his right to look at iwaizumi "yeah what's wrong iwa chan ?" oikawa asked

"d-do.. erm do you wanna go on a d-date.. with m-me ?" iwaizumi asked and oikawa just looked into his soul, iwaizumi gulped. why the fuck am i so nervous around oikawa

"hm i don't know.." oikawa said making a thinking face "y-you don't have to agree now. you can think a-about it" iwaizumi stuttered and looked away

oikawa grabbed iwaizumis chin making him look at back at him "i'll go on a date with you, and if i don't like it, then you'll have to stop trying to get with me" oikawa said, iwaizumi thought it was joking but he knew oikawa was serious

"a-and what if you like that date ?" iwaizumi asked "then we'll go on another one" iwaizumi nodded "okay, i'll pick you up on saturday at 3pm" iwaizumi said and oikawa nodded

oikawa wouldnt admit it but he was nervous and ecstatic, but just knew how to hide it incredibly well.

"yo bokuto hows you and akaashi ?" kuroo asked and bokuto frowned "i-i blocked him.." he said sadly and his hair going down with his mood shit his emo mode.. he hasn't gone into his emo mode in months.. shit shit shit

kuroo took out his phone and texted kenma

kenma, what did akaashi do to bokuto ? he's in his emo mode, he hasn't gone in that mode, in months !!

what makes you think akaashi did something ?

because bokuto is literally head over fucking heels over akaashi, and he wouldn't block akaashi even if his life was on the life the fuck

first of all, don't curse at me, and second of all, i'll ask akaashi

"akaashi.. what'd you do to bokuto ?" akaashi sighed, he took out his phone and pulled out the messages to show kenma, since he didn't want to talk about it, kenma scrolled up, and read the messages and rubbed his forehead

"you're a dumbass, ugh bokuto won't hurt you, even i know this, now kuroo told me bokutos in his emo mode and i don't know what the fuck that means, but you're gonna have to fix it because you're the one who cause it you understand ?" akaashi gulped and nodded

do i just leave the class ..? i mean who are they gonna call my parents who left me without a second thought ? akaashi sighed, he stood up "akaashi why are you standing up ?" the teacher asked, akaashi ran out of the classroom the teacher calling his name but akaashi didn't turn back

since akaashi already knew the classroom, he went and saw bokuto sitting at his desk frowning and kuroo trying to help him, akaashi went to a view where bokuto could see him but his teacher couldn't

bokuto saw akaashi, and he frowned even more, but akaashi made a signal for bokuto to leave the classroom, bokuto shook his head as a no, but akaashi mouthed "please" and bokuto sighed sadly, he left the classroom, and the teacher was to scared to say anything

"what" bokuto said with a sad tone, akaashi felt a pang on his chest d-did i really make bokuto this sad ..?

akaashi took bokutos hand and went to the back of the school, where their was a bench for people who wanted to sit outside, he pushed bokuto to the bench softly and he sat down beside him

akaashi was fidgeting with his fingers nervously, bokuto didn't wanna speak first so he stayed quiet, after a minute of silence, akaashi broke the silence

"i-i'm sorry bokuto.." akaashi said and bokuto eyes widened in disbelief, bokuto wanted to say something but the words weren't coming out

"i have trust issues, you see my parents left me a year ago.. um i came out to them as g-gay, and they were homophobic, and religious.. and they didn't just kick me out, they left the next morning without looking back, they couldn't stand looking at me.. a-and.. i get scared because i feel like e-everyone i meet is gonna l-leave me and h..hurt me like they did.. so i put barriers up to protect myself which is why i ended up hurting you because i-i didn't wanna risk you hurting me.." akaashi said then took a deep breathe, when he felt something wet and warm on his cheek, he didn't realize he started tearing up while ranting, he wiped the tears and looked at bokuto who was processing and shocked of what akaashi said

bokuto sighed "akaashi.. i understand what you're saying, i was 15 when i came out to my parents, i didn't know they were homophobic and i was naive thinking they'll except me since i'm their son, but once i told them.. they didn't leave me, hell i wish they did.. they um they abused me, i cant fully understand what you meant, since your parents left you but mine abused me, for 2 years then i ran away, i was friends with kuroo since i met him online so i ran away to his house.. i get why'd you get trust issues, it took me a while to get over mine but it'll happen eventually kaashi.. listen i know i'm not the best person, hell i fight people because of the thrill" bokuto sighed and cupped akaashis cheek who was still crying softly, and he caressed it softly "but i can promise you i won't hurt you.. and i'll do everything to protect you and make you trust me.. i'll wait for you for as long as you want, for weeks, months even years, it doesn't matter.. just know i'm here for you" he said kissing akaashis forehead

akaashi sniffled then gave bokuto a genuine smile "i-i cabt guarantee i'll be ready immediately but.. i-i don't want you to give up on me" bokuto smiled "of course i won't give up on you, you're to precious"

"now when were you gonna tell me you were such a bad ass ? i heard you dodged some bullies punches the first day i came" bokuto said and akaashi giggled

"what can i say, i'm a bad bitch and i'll always be one" the two laughed and just overall enjoyed eachothers presence

"now can you unblock me ?" akaashi said "oh right, okay i'll do it just for you" bokuto said and akaashi rolled his eyes but then smiled

im glad you're willing to wait for me

um i should really start sleeping earlier but am i gonna do it ? um no 🤺

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