My Precious #7 Part 6

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  • Dedicated to Kat

Part 6 of  I Love my Self Proclaim little sister 

*Word from the author *

I'm really sorry Part 6 took me while to finish , I had to study for our exams and work *sigh , A lot of things happen and i had a rough time . I had a cold too, Anyways the title of this part really fits perfectly for Part 6 hahaha... Now then this is Part 6 of I Love mySelf Proclaim little sister have fun reading . Enjoy! 

*July 12 , 2014 Sunday 09:38 AM *

 "I was at school  having our exam i looked at Pah... ( She's right beside me ) and i knew she was having a lot of trouble , She didn't understand the questions haha... I was looking at her and.... Well you know what  happened next "

(Whisper softly " Pah.. here ( hands over his test papers come on hurry before the teacher sees us "

" I saw her face looking at me with a smile , It was the best thing hahaha! Then the teacher told us to submit our test papers. I laugh at her because she didn't copy everything , she laugh back at me . Then a girl suddenly ask us "

" Hey you two are so close, Are you two already? "

"Us?" I told her " you mean my little sister? " ( evil laugh )

" Little sister? Since when did you have one "

Ugh... Since last last last last LAST! sunday " 

The girl was surprise Ah.. Ok "

" It was really funny seeing the girls reaction , Pah saw it too and laugh . I thought that she'll be having different thoughts about what the girl said but it was just me hahaha.. anyways here's what happen "

"Pah.... do you know who is my crush?"

" No "

"Do you want to know?"

" No "

"What! Why? I'm just going to tell you who she is , But please don't tell anybody ok . If you tell anybody i'll hack your facebook account and post all your pictures in different social medias "

" Ok , Ok  haha..  I won't tell anyone "

" There she is  ( points at the back ) there at the back , the one holding a brown folder her name is Kat ( Name shorten ) "

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