My First Meeting

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  • Dedicated to My Mother

                                                        I Love My ( Self Proclaim ) Little Sister

Written by : Me i mean Jeshuron

This story is a true event, story starts somewhere in the Philippines.

Where we'll meet this person whom we may call Ron , He's the only son in the family, he was a hard working student  Repeated 3 times in his first year highschool  ) Ron was a delinquent , he always pick fights skip school and smoke. Lets say Ron wasn't the ideal guy for any woman. Hmmm....... Another thing Ron is ugly? well not exactly that ugly otherwise he won't be getting a girlfriend in my story and that would be ridiculous and also his skin tone is kinda dark sometimes they call him "Negro" . So well ahm... im done with the introduction lets get back to the story

And so his Highschool life " AGAIN! " begins.

* June 8,2014  Sunday 7:46 AM *


"MAMA! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP! Ah! GOD!"                                                        

"Ah! I'm sorry son , you looked like your having a good rest , i didn't think of waking you up besides I know your so exhausted on your work last night."


" What?! so what, rushing to put on his cloths its my first day of school and im going to be late?"

" I'm so sorry son don't worry next time i'll wake you up early , Oh! and here's your lunch moneygives ₱70 )

"There's no need mother, I told my boss if he could lend me some money, He gave me 100 and its only for one day so its ok."

"Are you sure son?"

"Yes mother, Im very very sure. I'm going mother, AH! WAIT!

"What! what is it? is there a problem?"

"Oh, Its nothing mother i thought i forgotten something. Bye Mom"

Ron goes to a private school where there are Sunday Classes , its for working students or for those who are just busy in there homes. But luckly  Ron was a scholar there so he doesn't have much  Financial Problems.


( panting Ha..... ha..... ha.... MY GOD! this life (opens the gate Ah.. Chief,what time is it?



"Yes, Why? what year are you by the way?"

"Grade 9 Third Year Highschool , I'm going Chief"

*Running on stairs *

I love my (Self Proclaim) little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now