Side Story Part 1 / The Old Me

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Side Story Part 1 / The Old me

* Authors Note 

A little word, this side story is just a flash back about 4 years ago . The story is somehow happened before and after i became a First year and which i have not included in my other stories.  And a little bit of advice this may include some unnecessary or foul language, Please don't try this at home, i mean Parental Guidance is advice LOL .

" No , Please , Please stop UGh.... " the guy cried while being beaten to a pulp.

" Stop, cough we were just messing around " as the guy cried while his head are covered in blood. He cried loud, loud enough for people to hear him.

Blood covered my fist while beating the guy relentlessly as i shout Huh..??  F*** YOU! Aren't you tough? Were is the guy earlier, the one that was boasting his stupid knife! " as i continued to beat the helpless man while making this devilish smile. Blood already reached my shirt, and even before and as always the feeling of beating someone in a fist fight was a thrilling experience for me.

Earlier *

While walking quietly, i saw this group of kids messing with this cat. They kept on throwing pebbles  at the poor cat, i clench my teeth while watching them. I walked pass them while thinking, then i had this idea in mind. I kicked one of the boys, a kick that is strong enough to make the boy cry. I looked at them and smile an insulting smile, it made me laugh. But what i didn't expect was the boy's elder brother to be watching.

The older brother shook his head and said Tsk tsk tsk , Are you ok little brother " as he looked at me with a killing intent.

I walked slowly as if nothing happen, the elder brother suddenly shouted HEY!!  were , Were do you think your going? huh! i looked at him in the eyes, i saw that this damn idiot has something in his left pocket. I got a glimps of it and you know what i just saw? I saw a pocket knife,  i'm screwed. The idiot has a pocket knife i was scared at that time  Shiiiiiit! im dead, im really dead.

Heh.. Scared aren't you? You got balls " he looked at me as if he was joking or plotting to stab me " You think you're tough, Kicking my brother just like that? as his face keeps getting closer.

I looked at him with my eyes wide open  Heh.. so what, F**k you and your brother. How can you let him do anything as he wish when you know its wrong,  Step aside you're blocking my way " as i looked at him intensely.

Then " Ugh...  " i felt a strong punch, and i was brought down to my knees with a single punch cough Not bad "  i stand and gave him a big blow at the nose.

I saw tears flowing down his eyes  " What? Crying now " i said it as an insult. I grabbed the guy's shirt and hit him with my knees, a direct hit on the face and through the stomach. The guy coughed blood as i looked down at him, the guy stand slowly. I see him wobble, its like his legs can't support him anymore. " You shouldn't have mess with me at the first place " as i turned back agains him. I heard laughter HAHAHA! speak that to yourself " as i turn i saw his knife about to hit my right side. I backoff quickly as i push the knife downward, I avoided being stab but the knife carved a large wound on my right thigh. A small wound on my right hand "AH!! IT HURTS!!! " i cried loud really loud, i looked around. I saw my friend NELL!!  *name shorten* NELL!!cough NELL!! " he saw me, he came running. " What happen!? Who did this to you? " i pointed the guy. He didn't do anything instead he carried me on his shoulders. I was losing blood, i felt like my head was so light. I woke up sitting on a chair with bandage around my thigh, i looked at my left i saw my mother looking at me worried? " i smiled at her with no worries. 

" Were's my friend, Nell? " as i looked around

" Nell , He already left. He said don't ever do that again " 

He.... He wish " i said it while whispering to myself

" What happen by the way? " mother was really worried i can see it in her eyes.

After that mother and i talk for about 1 hour i guess. Still that didn't change me, i was quite rebellious that time. I gave my parents hard times, many is yet to come. I will write it all here.

* Authors Note * 

There you have it. My side story well technically i didn't think of putting it here, but this person @AkexAsuAba  told me many interesting things and of course i promised her that i will change my cover if i'll get 3,000 readers so hehe i don't know if the picture fits perfectly. Just comment if the picture doesn't fit i'll change it and the guy with blond hair i can be that weehehe . Well that is why i decided to put it here, many side story is yet to come but first. Thank you for reading my Side Story Part 1 / The Old Me maybe i'll create my Side Story again after 3 updates and well that is it next is Part 9 of I Love my ( Self Proclaim ) Little sister :) 

Note : Please watch the video on the media section Nightcore - Krewella We go down , i really like it so much Thanks.

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