Coming out [1]

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//TW. F slur (I'm bi) homophobia

Antfrosts POV.

I sat up in my room on my phone just scrolling through Instagram when I get a message from my friend, I could only see a brief part of the message but I already saw it coming.
I had came out to Michael about 2-3 hours earlier, I already knew he was homophobic, but I couldn't hide it forever right? He had to know at some point, even if he was homophobic. I opened messaging and saw the horrible message he had written, the message read
"your WHAT?!? I can't have a gay friend, it's wrong and you need help, go get help fucking faggot."
I sat there for a moment analyzing what he had said, then I felt tears come to my eyes.
I couldn't help but cry, he's been my best friend since I was 8, we spent all our time together constantly, people even thought we were dating at the fact of how close we were.
Even though I would miss Michael, friends come and go and you just need to accept that.
Snapping me out of my daze, my mom knocked on my door "Hey honey it's time for dinner, no phones at the dinner table tonight please!" She yelled, it wasn't in her usual happy tone, she was mad about something and I could tell.
"Coming mom, give me a second!!" I yelled back, I ran to my bathroom, "fuck fuck fuck fuck" I cursed under my breath, I needed to wash my face as fast as possible and make sure she doesn't know I was crying, men don't cry after all, they have to be strong, crying is for pussys and girls.
I rushed down the stairs and my dad looked livid. "What's up dad?" I said as he glared at me
"Michael told us what you said to him, your a faggot?" He questioned, I didn't know what to say, as I tried to think of an excuse he said, "get the FUCK out and get help, I'm NOT having a faggot as my son." I felt tears come to my eyes as I ran up to my room, I jumped on my bed and started to cry into my pillow, I heard a knock at my door, I ignored it. "Please open the door big brother, don't be sad please!" Opal yelled at the door, I chose to ignore her as a cried myself to sleep that night.

I woke up at 3 am after getting only a few hours of sleep in, I was tired and wanted to die so badly, I don't understand why they don't accept me. Why even bother having kids if you won't accept them. It was still dark outside so I just stared out my window and admired the stars, I've always loved stars, I looked over to the big canvas on my wall, Opal painted me a painting of the stars. She was always the more talented one, I really didn't have any skills that are considered "useful". Though I did have a passion for writing, I wouldn't call it a talent though, just a passion. I was getting tired as a looked up at the stars more, I looked over to the clock that read 4:09 am, I should probably go back to sleep now. I want to be rested for the amount of lectures I assume I would be getting later today when my parents wake.
I closed my window and layer down, my cat Floof ran over to my bed and curled up next to my feet. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I awoke to banging and screaming in the morning, Floof was nowhere to be found, she never really liked loud noise, but do any cats really like loud noises?
I opened my door and my dad was standing there, "pack your shit, your going to conversion therapy." My dad said harshly, I really couldn't say no, I'm not a legal adult and most of my family is homophobic so I have no choice other than to go to conversion  therapy.

I started packing all my stuff, I had a limit of 2 suitcases since  we were going on a bus to the conversion camp. I packed all my electronics in one bag, and clothes and toiletries in the other. About an hour later I heard banging on my door, "GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" My dad screamed at me, he sounded pissed.
"Coming dad!" I yelled back, I didn't know if the bus would be coming there or he had to drive me somewhere, I just prayed he wouldn't have to drive me to a bus stop or something.
"Get your shit in the trunk. I gotta drive you to this bus stop shit, I know you probably don't wanna be in the car with me, trust me I don't wanna be in a car with a faggot for to long."
I put all my bags in the trunk and hopped in the front seat, avoiding contact as much as I could.

About 15 minutes later we arrived at the bus stop, me and my dad exchanged a few looks, but no words. The second I closed the trunk he sped off, me and my dad were so close, why did he have a problem with me being gay? I'm still the same person, so what's his problem?
I thought to myself as I texted my online friend Dream, would he care I'm gay?? No that doesn't seem like him at all, but it's now or never, better do it while I have confidence.

A: Hey dream, I need to tell you something
D: Shoot
A: I'm gay, I hope you don't think any less of me! :)

Dream is typing.......

~980 words

Hah, cliff hanger find out what dream says on the next chapter
~ Written 1/1/20
~ Edited 1/2/20
~ Published 1/2/20

Conversion Therapy [RedVelvet x Antfrost] [BOOK ONE + TWO] [BOOK ONE COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt