First day [2]

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What the fuck why are people reading this, also hi red 😏 I know you read this because I sent you a link because I am cool pog pog let's get on with the story

TW// Homophobia f slur

Antfrosts pov :)
A: Hey dream, I need to tell you something
D: Shoot
A: I'm gay, I hope you don't think any less of me! :)

I looked away from my phone terrified as he typed, if this doesn't end well then I guess I still have bad and sapnap I guess, but what if dream tells them and they aren't supportive or- my thoughts stopped as I saw his message pop up
D: omg man, so proud of you! Thats a really hard thing to do and I fully support you :)

Oh my god, I thought, he actually accepts me!

A: thanks so much :)
D: np, everyone deserves to be supported no matter what :)

I decided to leave him on read as I couldn't think of anything else to say, I looked up and saw a young boy who looked around my age. "Um, hi can i sit here?" He said as he looked down at the seat, then back up at me. "Go ahead, i dont mind" I said as a smiled, he sat down and took out his phone, within the next few minutes the bus arrived and we both got on.

He sat with someone else, i was rather disappointed because he seemed nice and i wanted to talk to him. I pulled out my phone and my earbuds, I plugged the earbuds in and I opened spotify. I clicked on my playlist and looked out the window, too bad it wasn't night, the stars would be nice to look at. I heard a notification on discord and dream had sent me a message

D: Hey, wanna play minecraft? Kinda bored rn :/

I didnt honestly know what to say to that, how would he react to me going to conversion therapy? Should I just tell him I'm not home right now? But then he would want to play later. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw he messaged me again

D: you good man?
I quickly thought of what to say and I typed out my message
A: yeah yeah, I'm good, I'm not home right now I'm at my friends but I'll play in a few days
D: ohh ok, it's all good, have fun! :)
A: I will, I'll text ya when I can play :)

Fuck, i dont know when I'll be able to play again, maybe I can get pocket edition and just play when I'm there? But I think it costs money and i dont have my card on me, maybe I should just tell dream what happened, he would understand, right?
The bus started up and I looked up at the bus driver, she was on the heavier side with brown hair in a tight bun.
"Alright everyone! Take a seat and shut up, let me do my job. I cant drive distracted."
A few people responded but I didn't, I didn't see a point in responding anyway, it's not like we were gonna have a conversation. I looked down at my phone and unlocked it and I opened snapchat, Opal texted me.

O: hey :( I want you home, things are so weird without you home. Mom and dad are fighting again about you being gay, i dont have a problem with it I just want you home. Aren't those thing illegal anyway?
A: I think in some states they are, not in ours though, load of bullshit if you ask me. And just ignore mom and dad please :)
O: I'm trying to, they are so god damn loud
A: Hey, watch your mouth
O: jeez you sound like mom, and I just said damn

I just left her on read, I couldn't really argue with that. I closed snapchat and hesitated for bit, should I tell dream what's going on? I decided against it and i just opened my gallery to find a couple pictures of floof, I was definitely gonna miss her while I'm here, I guess I can ask Opal for pictures of her, but it wouldn't be the same without her cuddling me every night.

I closed my gallery and just turned my phone off looking out the window again.
We passed Opals school, it was Saturday so nobody was there besides a few cars that used the school parking lot to just sit there and use the school wifi. Even I had the password, they really need to change it, 12345678910 is reeeally dumb password.
I decided to just scroll through Instagram and listen to music.

About 15 minutes later we arrived there, I paused the music, closed spotify and unplugged my earbuds.
"Alright, people in the back exit first, then you go to the doors and wait for further instructions." The large woman said, i was in the back so I had to get out first, I grabbed my bags from under the seat and got out of the bus. After I got to the front doors a blonde woman approached me, "You just need to wait outside until the other fags get out, got it?" She said sternly, "Yeah" I said awkwardly, i dont honestly know what you would say in this situation, I hated new people, just everything about them, it's terrifying.

Soon after everyone got off the bus the doors opened revealing a lanky brunette woman and a  short blonde woman I'm pretty sure the blonde one is the one that talked to me earlier.
"Alright you sinners, I assume you all know what this is and why you got sent here" she raised an eyebrow and said to us, some nodded, some said yes, some just, didn't talk.
"Ok, here's your schedules, find the one with your name on it, it has your roommate, room number, your room key, and daily activities." The brunette said in an annoyed tone, I walked up to the table and scanned the table of papers for the one with my name, when I finally found my name I stepped back and read the scedule in my head.

Antfrost,  Room: 209 Roomate: Velvet
I immediately got snapped out of my thought when I heard somebody call my name, I looked up and saw a....

Hehe cliffhanger again, who said ants name 😳✋ I'm pretty sure we all know doe.
~1075 words

~Written 1/2/20
~Edited 1/2/20
~ Published 1/2/20

Conversion Therapy [RedVelvet x Antfrost] [BOOK ONE + TWO] [BOOK ONE COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now