Words I wish I said [1, 2]

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Ants Pov

It's been a week since I left there, that god awful place, I guess it was worth kissing October, but, I miss him.
There's so much I wanted to say, I guess you could call it a love at first sight situation, he's just, so amazing. He's so incredibly sweet and caring, I wish I would have told him the plan.
I wouldn't be blocked, we could be happy, maybe he could even be out of there.
I wish I could have said I love you one last time.
I sat up from my bed for the first time in two days, I miss him, he makes everything better. Floof trills and jumps off my bed as we walk into my bathroom, I look in the mirror, god, I looked like shit. I turn the faucet on and start to gently clean my face, I figured it was done enough when I looked like I'd actually been taking care of myself. I unplugged my phone, 8:07 am, I wondered if Opal was awake. Opal is my parents favourite, for sure, she's perfect, she's kind, funny, and, she's not gay.

I gently knock on her door, no answer, I decide to let myself in. I forgot what I needed from her, but she wasn't in her room, she must be at a friends house, i open her first dresser drawer, a journal. Snooping is bad, I would hate for someone to do this to me, sorry, Opal. I looked in the middle immediately, who keeps their most private stuff in the front? Something fell out, it was a small little drawing of some sort of pride flag. I reverse searched the image and it popped up to say, "Demi-girl" I've heard of it before! Opal isn't cis! I'm assuming their pronouns are, she/they? Maybe? I'll just use they until I come around to asking.

There was another little flag drawn on the next page, it looked like a watermelon. In cursive writing under it, it read, "Abrosexual" under that it read "Abrosexuality is having different levels of sexual or romantic attractions throughout your life. A person who is abrosexual may also have changes in their sexual orientation over time." So, gay sister? Sibling. Yeah, sibling. I pushed the Demi-girl flag into the book, and closed it. I buried it under some clothes in fear of our parents finding it, Opal doesn't deserve the same treatment I get. I look over to the door and see Opal, standing there. "What were you doing? I swear to god, im about to get a lock on my door! I just wanted to use the bathroom, ant!"

"Opal, hey, it's okay, I just wanted to, I don't even know. I just wanted to look through your things, im sorry."

"It's okay, just, ask next time, there's things in there I don't want you to see."

"I know you're some sort of lgbtq+ person, is that what you were trying to hide?"

Opal sighs, closes her door and sits down on the bed, next to Ant and floof. "Yeah, I didn't want mom and dad to do to me what they did to you."

"Well, I guess I know now? I don't want to invade anymore, I'll go"

"Alright, love you ant"

"Love you too"

Floof walked out the door after ant did, Opal groaning in annoyance after her older brother didn't close the door.

Ant closes his door and lays down on the bed, floof following not far behind, he opens his phone and opens Snapchat, red still hasn't blocked him there. He sends a lengthy paragraph after seeing his bitmoji pop up several times.

Hey, red, im sorry about kissing October, we wanted to get out of there, im not straight, and I'm most definitely still into you. I should have told you about our plan, im sorry I didn't, I hope you don't block me here as I have so much to say to you, I love you, red. <3

Hey? You could have told me, you are such a dick for saying nothing, sorry for fucking up our minecraft world, but Jesus Christ, it's not that hard to be nice. Respect my decision of blocking you on everything, stop looking for ways to contact me, have you thought about how much I want to get out of here? Maybe you could have said something instead of doing something stupid, nobody there likes you, good luck if you come back. Everyone there wants to leave, if you make a plan, include everyone. Fuck you, ant.

Ant left him on read, because, god, that hurt.

I miss him. I wish I would have told you. I love you.

Ant refreshed his Snapchat until he saw the word "Pending" on their messages, it stung.

I wish I told him I loved him one more time, I wish, everything could be right again, why did I fuck this up?

I had a plan to get him back, it would never work, though, what if I made a new account, befriended him, completely fucking redeemed myself, we could finally talk to each other again! Or, I could get myself back to conversion therapy, we would obviously be roommates again since we were last time. I think the first choice was, a little obsessive. Looks like I'll be going back! Great, I mumbled sarcastically, how the hell would I be able to go back? I open my messages and send a lengthy text to my mom.

Hey, I'm making this decision because I feel it's right to tell the truth, conversion therapy did nothing for me, im still gay, I want to go back and get fixed. I hope you send me back, I know how wrong it is to be a person like me, I don't want to be a faggot anymore, please, please let me go back. I love you mom ❤️

A few seconds later the "read" pops up under the message, I see the typing bubble as she types, im so anxious, what if she says no?

I see you've come to your senses, thank you for telling me, honey, this is something you speak to your father about, I certainly have no say in the matter. I love you too, sweetheart

I have to text my dad? Seriously? Why can't she just let me go. I sent the same message to my dad with a few tweaks, he took much longer to reply as he was at work, my mother was just at home, in bed, probably watching some shitty reality tv show.

Hello, good morning, that camp cost so much, i hope they'll let me use my old payment. Im sure they'll understand, thank you for finally making a good decision in your life for once, I hope you don't lie about being fixed this time, and, I love you too. I'll message you with what they say, hopefully a date and time. Did you know their call line is open 24/7? Really cool actually, makes it easier for parents like me and your mother, but anyway, I'll text you with what they say. Thank you for making this decision.

I left him on read, how could someone be that homophobic? Jesus Christ, at least I was hopefully going back? Hopefully, me and red get partnered again, and, god I'm just excited! I don't think anyones ever been this excited for fucking conversion therapy!

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch, I put on some random show from Netflix and snuggled up in some blankets. I started falling asleep on myself until my phone went off, it was my dad.

They said it's alright to come again, Thursday, at one pm. Pack your stuff.

They said yes! They said yes oh my god! I seriously think I'm the only one that's been this excited for conversion therapy, like, ever.

I quickly texted my mom to tell her the news, I shut my show off and run upstairs to pack.

This isn't that long of a chapter but i wanted to get the first part of this book out, I actually used my next doctors appointment for the date ant goes back to conversion therapy. If you guys have any ideas with where you want this story to go, please comment them, maybe your idea will get used! If your idea is picked I'll credit you in the A/N. Enjoy the rest of your day :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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Conversion Therapy [RedVelvet x Antfrost] [BOOK ONE + TWO] [BOOK ONE COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now