Youre a bitch. [4]

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Started writing on 1/10/20
Finished writing 1/14/20

I don't feel like copy pasting but but basically Ant and Red just ran up from the cafeteria and are in their room on their phones. Oh and I made ant build the house because me and my friends always joke about the bottoms making houses and tops getting tools. 😭😭

Antfrosts POV

I sat there on my phone, I was so fucking bored, I looked over at red him looking back.
"What do you wanna do im bored as fuck?" He said to me
"I don't know, i-"
"WAIT, do you have a computer and a minecraft account??" He interrupted me
"I do, wanna play minecraft?"
He nodded and got his computer out.
We both added eachother and he made a survival world for us.
We both got wood and went separate ways. I started to build us a house as he got us tools.
I built us a small house and went out to get some wool for our beds.
I came back with 2 wool as i wasnt able to find any more.
"I got you stone tools and an iron pick." Red said as he looked up at me and smiled.
I smiled back and ran to the house.
He dropped the tools and I picked them up.

We ended up going mining and trying to beat the game. Red ended up dying and rage quitting because he lost his 9 diamonds and a ton of other valuable stuff. He shut his computer with a huff and went and layed on his bed.
I chuckled a bit as I saw on my screen
RedVelvetCake has died
RedVelvetCake has left the game
I went to the nether and tried to find the fortress. I had been trying to find one for about 20 minutes when I heard soft snores from the other side of the room.
I looked over and saw Red asleep. He had his blanket hugged up to his face and his feet to his chest. I quickly got jumped out of my thoughts when a started getting hit by piglins. I quickly pulled out my sqord and started hitting them back. I got overpowered and died.
I saw how Red got mad, when he died we had been playing for an hour. At this point ive been playing for atleast 2-3 hours. I was pissed. I basically did the same thing Red did when he rage quit. I closed my computer and shoved it under my bed. I ended up just falling asleep as i couldn't think of anything else to do since Red was asleep.

I woke up to Red shaking me
I jolted up thinking something had happened "Huh, what dude why did you wake me up." i said as I rubbed my eyes.
"no reason just bored. also it might be 4am."
I rolled my eyes at him and rolled over pulling the blanket over myself.
He kept poking me and bothering me.
"Could you like fuck off and let me sleeppppp" I said dragging out the p
"Fine. But this is gonna cost you." He said walking away from my bed.
"Cost me what?" I was lost. There was so many things he could mean by 'this is gonna cost you'
"Cuddles, or a kiss, but cuddles preferred."
I didn't even say anything to that. Ive only known this guy a day and hes already asking for cuddles or a kiss.
Who does that?

Fanfiction people ant, Fanfiction people.
Ok this took so long omg
Ily all please enjoy
And yell at me in the comments if u want btw.
Un edited because I am so tired 💔

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