Cuddles [5]

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Tw/ homophobia, child abuse
We're giving red trauma lol

I woke up rather early that morning and decided I would go to the common area.
Atleast escape for a bit before I had to do reds favor. We weren't even here for a week and he's already hitting on me, well, I think he's hitting on me?
I grabbed my phone out of my hoodie pocket and turned my volume down as it was 7am and I assume nobody is up.
I started checking my notifications as any normal human would, and i saw a message from Michael. great.
I hesitated for a moment and decided to open it. It can't be that bad, right?

A whole paragraph. He had sent me a whole ass paragraph.

Every time I see a lesbian or gay couple it looks sooo awkward. I don't know wether to cry for them or laugh at them. It's sooo weird and uncomfortable.
You have destroyed yourself.
Your not born gay either, you chose it and now you have completely talked yourself into it.
There's so much wrong with you, glad your getting help bro.

I didn't know if I wanted to cry or laugh at that message.
Maybe I wasn't gay. Maybe I was straight and it's just a phase. I'll snap out of it I'm sure.
I'm straight. Yeah. That sounds good.

I got jumped by red, i let out a scream and it was pretty safe to say I was pissed.
I gave him a glare as he was laughing his fucking ass off and I flipped him off.
I ran back up to our room and just sat on my bed. I heard footsteps, most likely reds.
"Hey fuckface, you promised" he said climbing next to me.
"Yeah well I'm straight so I don't know why your doing this."

"What did they say to you, I wanna know that shits ridiculous, and don't believe who ever said that. No way in hell your straight."

"Yeah, I'm really not fooling anyone am I?"

"Nope. Not at all. Now come here, you promised"

Ant scooted closer to him, if anyone came in, they would both be fucking dead, or the slightly less violent option, separated, which ant still didn't want to happen.
He was taking a liking to this brunette boy.

Ant's eyes slowly started getting heaving as he heard the boys heartbeat under him.
Red played with ants hair and could feel himself almost falling asleep.
Ant started to fall asleep on his chest.
Red knew it was around 8am. Nobody got up until 10am.
He had been here before, last time, it didn't go so well.
Red was a foster kid, he had gone through many homes from the ages of 10-17 and it affected him greatly.
The last foster family he had was very homophobic, of course red didn't know that at all. He was about 15 when he had finally found out who he was, he knew and he was proud.
When he got the courage to go up and tell his "family" they were outraged. They started yelling at him that it was wrong and he didn't deserve to be here in they're house.
They said the only reason they didn't kick him out is because of the check they got from foster care.
The next few weeks he was basically tortured, he was hit constantly when his foster mom left.
He went to school with bruises not even covering them up even though he said he did.
He wanted to be free from that hell of a place. He wanted his mom and dad even though his alcoholic father almost beat his to death. They were better than here, but really anywhere was better than here.

About a week later a teacher finally noticed and called the cops.
Red was moved back into an orphanage and never knew what happened to them.
But finally when he was 17 his father and mother apologized for everything they had ever done. He choose not to forgive them, and he cut all cords with them.
Of course they were very understanding, and he still wasn't a legal adult so, you guessed it, one more foster care house to go.
They happened to be homophobic as well and they put him in conversion therapy.
After 5 months he was out, then right back in after about 3 weeks, that just so happened to be the day he met ant. He instantly fell in love with him, the way he just did everything was so, perfect.

He snapped back into reality and looked at the clock, about 45 minutes of him day dreaming about his past.
He looked down at antfrost seeing him sleeping and snoring softly, he could have sworn it was the cutest fucking thing ever.
It was almost 9 and he was super tired.
He only slept 2 hours tonight but he couldn't risk falling asleep and someone coming in.
So, he sat there admiring ant as he slept.
10:00 hit and he woke ant up quickly, knowing that the cunts were always on time.
Red jumped to his half of the room and sat there like he was there the whole time and they walked in, they told us we had to be out in 5 minutes and go outside for something.
Yay, cold outside weather. Exciting.
Ant rolled his eyes and put his shoes on to go outside, red reached for the door and closed it. His eyes locked with ants and he grabbed his waist, the height difference had red looking down at ant. It was cute he was small.
He cupped ants cheek and kissed him. It was fast but you could still tell all the feelings were there.

Pog finally got a chapter out.
Hope you enjoyed this :)
Ily mwah <3

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