Chapter Thirty-Seven: Survivors

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You had been on Hoth for about two days now. You woke up and poured some water into the metal bowl before opening a soup packet and pouring it in. While you waited for the water to boil, you looked over at Ahsoka who was still asleep. You checked the temperature on your Datapad. It was now -37 degrees outside. It was getting colder quick. You warmed your hands over the fire before the water came to a boil. You ate a little less than half of the bowl before placing a cover on top of it and saving the rest for Ahsoka. You walked up to the cockpit window and stared outside. Suddenly, you let out a couple coughs before you heard a yawn from behind you. You turned around and saw Ahsoka stretching her arms while you approached her. You knelt down next to her and greeted her.

"Good morning. Feeling any better?"

"I'm not sure." She responded.

"Your leg still hurts?"

"Well, yeah. But I just, don't feel right." She said before she started to shiver. You placed the back of your hand on her forehead and felt her temperature. She was burning up.

"You have a fever. Do you have any open wounds?" You asked.

"I don't know." She replied. You looked her up and down and saw a bloody stain on her stomach. You lifted up her shirt and saw a large cut on her Abdomen. You looked up at her before looking back down at the wound.

"Okay. It's okay. You're okay." You said with slight panic. You quickly ran to your bag and grabbed a shirt. You ripped it and wrapped it around the wound. Now all you needed was Bacta Spray. You thought for a moment before remembering about the emergency crate. It was filled with everything you needed: Food, water, medical supplies. All you needed to do was find it.

"Alright. I gotta find that crate." You said while taking your blaster out of your holster and handing it to Ahsoka.

"If anyone comes in, blast them. You'll know it's me because I will knock five times." You instructed.

"I can't let you go out there alone-"

"I know you can't... but you have to." You said. You walked over to the door and pried it open before walking through and shutting the door. You walked down the ramp and were hit by the subzero temperatures. You looked forward and could barely see the trail the ship left behind when it hit the ground, but you saw it. 'If I follow the trail, it will lead me to the crate, right?' You thought to yourself. You followed began following the trail for a bit. You couldn't see more than five feet in front of you, which made your objective even harder. After about 15 minutes of walking, you could hear a faint beeping sound in the distance. You looked up and saw a tiny blue light through the snowfall. You picked up the pace until you approached a red crate that was slightly covered in snow. You let out a laugh in excitement before you popped the crate open. You everything you could carry, and then some. You then realized something: The beacon didn't activate. You looked at the beacon which was under the lid of the crate and saw that it was frozen over.

"No. No! NO! FUCK!" You screamed before you started coughing hard for a moment. You spit on the ground before making your way back to the ship. While walking, you began to cough once again. This time, you would wheeze after you were done. You kept pushing, but felt yourself growing more and more fatigued. You finally stopped and caught your breath, as you felt yourself wheezing harder with every step. You looked up and saw the ship not too far from you. You kept pushing harder until you made it to the ramp. You slowly walked up the ramp and knocked five times before opening the door. As you pried it closed, you began coughing once again. You walked over to Ahsoka and fell to your knees before you reached into the bag with all of the supplies. You grabbed the Bacta Spray and sprayed it on her wound. She let out a little groan of pain at the slight burning sensation of the Bacta Spray doing it's job. You fell back against the wall that Ahsoka was sitting up against and started to heavily breathe. You felt cold even though you were only two feet from the fire.

"I... I left you some- some soup." You said while weakly pointing at the bowl.

"You don't look good. Are you okay?" Ahsoka asked with concern.

"Yeah. The cold is getting to me." You answered. You placed your head on the wall behind you realizing that you had to tell Ahsoka about the beacon.

"I don't think anyone is coming for us." You finally said.

"What?! What do you mean?" She replied.

"I opened the crate, but the beacon was frozen over. It didn't activate." You explained. Ahsoka placed her head against the wall while you tried to think of an idea.

"Alright. I can try and... make a beacon." You proposed. You immediately got the plans in your head and you stood up to try and gather parts.

"(Y/N), you need rest." Ahsoka said.

"I can't rest. I need to get us out of here-" You were cutoff by another episode of heavy coughing episode. When the episode was over, you spit on the ground and continued to gather parts. Once you had gathered most of the parts, you decided you needed to go to the engine in order to get a Power Transmitter.

"I'll be back soon." You said. You wanted to give her a kiss, but you knew you were sick, and you didn't want to spread it to her. You exited the ship and walked under the engine. You opened the panel and you were hit in the face by a cloud of smoke. You let out some coughs and reached into the engine when you burnt your hand on something. You looked up and saw that the entire engine was burnt from the inside. You soon realized that there was no mistake. Someone intentionally sabotaged the ship. You slammed the panel shut and walked back onto the ship. You sat down next to Ahsoka and explained what happened.

"The engines were burnt from the inside. Handmade Beacon is a no go." You said weakly. You tried to throw more paper on the fire, but you were out. You found yourself wheezing on every breath and realized that the fire was dying. You wrapped your arms around Ahsoka to conserve heat. You felt yourself falling asleep with Ahsoka on your shoulder. You struggled to stay awake, but you immediately felt the cold air wash over you when the fire went out. You finally shut your eyes and fell asleep.


You awoke to the humming of a ship overhead, but you were too weak to check it out. The ship was practically frozen, and you only focused on the steam coming from your mouth after every breath.

"Sir! The ramp is open. Moving in now." You heard a familiar voice say. You heard footsteps walking up the ramp and saw a pair of black fingers wrap around the door, which began forcing the door open. When the door open, the room was illuminated by the flashlights. Three clones walked in and they all pointed their blaster-attached lights at you.

"We found them." One of the clones said.

"What the hell took you so long?" You weakly said with a little smile. Just as the clones approached you and Ahsoka, you drifted back into sleep...

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