Chapter Thirty-Four: Love Conquers All

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You woke up with handcuffs and a Shock-Collar. You looked around and realized you were on a Zygerrian ship. A little bit after waking up, you felt a surge of electricity rush through your body. Rex and Obi-Wan gave you a panicked look before speaking up.

"Stop! He can't handle it!" Rex exclaimed to one of the guards.

"I'm not doing anything!" The guard responded. The electricity stopped for a second before it continued. You had to endure the pain for another moment before it finally stopped. You caught your breath and sat up.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Just peachy, master." You responded in between breaths. Soon, the ship landed and you were escorted out, and what you saw was horrifying. All of the missing Torgrutas were here, at this prison compound. You were greeted by the Warden of this prison.

"Kenobi and- Who are you?" He asked you. You didn't answer.

"Hmph. You are strong-willed, little one. Lucky for you, that's what we specialize in." He said with a laugh. He pressed a button, which opened the hatches an entire row of Torgrutas were standing on

"NO!" You screamed. This just made the Warden laugh.

"Now that I have your attention, Jedi. Be aware that it will not be you who suffers, should you define me." He said before turning around and entering the prison compound. It was brutal. You were there for three days, and it was pure torture. Your were beaten, you didn't sleep, you hardly ate or drank, you watched innocent people get hurt and killed. You were shoveling-what you assumed to be-spice. While working, you wiped the sweat off your forehead and looked around for a second. Clearly the guard didn't like this one bit, because he struck you in the back with his whip. Instead of hitting you just once, he kept going. The pain was excruciating. It soon became a game for the guards though. They all took turns beating you. Some of them used their Electric Staffs to ignite your Shock-Collar, which wasn't any easier on you. Soon, the Warden came through and saw what was happening.

"That's enough." He said, but they kept going. "I said THAT'S ENOUGH!" He screamed. They all stopped and went back to their duties. You could barely lift yourself up, and no one could help you. You lied on the ground, trying to get up. Your master reached over to help you, but you stopped him.

"No, don't. I don't want them to get hurt." You said. You finally managed to push yourself up and got back to work. An hour passed and you were still in great pain. Your eyes were shut and you were trying to sleep when you felt something grab onto your collar and pull you from the top bunk, all the way down to the floor. You let out a groan when you hit the ground. You felt people grab your arms and drag you out of the room. You were brought into the warden's office, where they threw you down three small steps. One of them stood you up and made you look at the Warden.

"Hello, little one. Would you like to tell me your name now?" He asked.

"Is that really what this is about? My name?" You responded.

"Yes, it is." He responded. You let out a sigh before answering.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You answered. He smiled and motioned for the guards to do something. They left the room while another guard pushed you down onto your knees. After awhile of waiting, Rex and Obi-Wan were brought into the room. Soon, a figure appeared on the holotable in the middle of the room. It was Count Dooku. You were too distracted with the immense amount of pain on your back still. All you heard Dooku say was "Farewell", which raised some concern from within you. You finally spoke up to Dooku, as you started tempting fate.

"Hey, Dooku!" You called. He looked at you and all the guards ignited their whips.

"I hope you have a nice day," You started. "It could be your last, Old Man." You said with a weak laugh. He gave you an angry look, and right before you were about to be whipped, you felt the ground violently shake.

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