Chapter Ten: Justice

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You stood next to the stage with your hands behind your back next to Ahsoka while you awaited for Senator Amidala to take the stage. All of a sudden, the door opened, and Senator Amidala made her way down the aisle with her guards by her side. Everybody stood and began their applause before she sat down on stage. Everybody sat down when she stood up and began her speech.

While she was speaking, you could sense a greater evil. You slightly looked at Ahsoka who looked at you and nodded. She already knew what you we're going to ask. You kept scanning the room while the Senator continued her speech. All of a sudden, Ahsoka shot her attention right up at the vents and looked at you.

"Go. I'll stay with the Senator." You whisper. She nodded and made her way off stage towards the vent. All of a sudden, the sound of a blaster rang throughout the room, and the Senator fell back. You ignited your saber and took a defensive position while the guards started tending to the Senator. Another blaster bolt came towards you, but you deflected it with your saber. You looked at where the shot came from and saw a green light illuminating the vent. It was Ahsoka.

While the shooter was distracted, you started to tend to the Senator's wound. You applied pressure to the blaster wound and looked around for something to patch it up with.

"Get some bandages, now!" You commanded. One of the guards nodded and ran backstage.

"Senator, can you hear me?" You said calmly. The Senator slowly opened her eyes. The guard returned with a Medical Case. You took a needle and injected it into her neck to help ease the pain. You grabbed bandages and wrapped them around her shoulder. By then, Ahsoka had already returned and was watching you. When you we're done, the guards picked her up and took her to the Medical Station. You looked behind you and saw Ahsoka.

"I promised her no harm will fall upon her. I broke the promise." You said with disappointment.

"Did you get Asura?" You asked.

"No. I chased her through the vents, but I lost her." She responded with frustration. You stood up and faced her.

"I'm gonna go to the Medical Station and stay with the Senator. You coming?" You asked. 

"After you." She responded. You began walking to the Medical Station with Ahsoka by your side. You still felt awkward around her after last night, but you had to set this aside in the best interest of the Senator. When you arrived at the Medical Station, you quickly walked over to the Senator's side and sat down in the chair next to her bed. When the time came, you and Ahsoka helped the Senator to her room.

You returned to your room and sat on the edge of the bed and held your head in your hands. While you mourned the Senators current condition, you heard a knock at the door.

"The Senator needs to see you." Your heard Ahsoka say. You could tell that she was trying to avoid conversation with you at the moment. She felt bad about last night, and so did you. You wanted to let things continue last night, but you didn't want to disobey the Jedi Order's rules. You stood up and began making your way to the Senators room. At least her recovery was one good thing to come from this day.

When you got into the Senators room, you saw her sitting on the edge of her bed. 

"You needed to see me, Senator Amidala?" You asked.

"Yes. I believe Ahsoka and I came up with a solution to our problem." She said. You looked at her curiously.

"We're going to take a Servant Droid and dress it in robes to give the illusion that it's the Senator. We just need a way to deliver the speech at the same time." Ahsoka explained. You instantly came up with a solution.

"I could try rewiring the droid's audio output to a Comm Link. You could stay in your room and deliver the speech in real time." You stated. You saw Ahsoka grin at the idea. 

"I would just need 15 minutes, tops." You requested. 

"This might actually work." The Senator said with a smile on her face. A couple of minutes later, two guards brought in a service droid and you got to work. The droid was then dressed in robes that were able to cover it's identity.


It had been a couple hours and the speech was going to begin at any moment. You stood in the same spot next to the stage as you did before and awaited the "Senator's" arrival. Once the door opened, you saw the droid surrounded by twice as many guards as before. The droid got on the stage and Padme began her speech. 

"Aura's not here." Ahsoka said.

"What do you mean she's not here?" Captain Typho asked.

"Aura's not in the room." She stated once again. She looked up at the vents before running off. You followed closely behind.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"The Senator is in danger, pick it up." She replied. You started to sprint even quicker down the palace hall. When you get to the room, Ahsoka didn't hesitate to run in. She jumped and deflected a blaster bolt and pulled Aura from the vent.

You ignited your lightsaber and prepared for a fight while Ahsoka backed the Senator against the wall to protect her.

"Give it up, Aura. You're done." You say sternly. She peeked over her shoulder and saw you. She looked back at Ahsoka and she shot the lightsaber out of your hand before kicking your feet out, knocking you to the ground and causing her to point one of her blasters right at you. She laughed at how easily you went down.

"I wouldn't be laughing at him, if I we're you." Ahsoka said.

"And why not?"

"He already knows that move." She said with a smirk. That's when you grabbed the blaster with your feet and rolled over on your stomach. You grabbed the blaster from your feet and pointed it at her. You stood up while keeping the blaster trained on Aura.

"Just give up." You order. You see in the corner of your eye, the Senator reaching for her blaster. You turn your focus back to Aura right before she swings at you with her free hand. You duck just in time, making her miss her attempt to get her blaster back.

"Hey Aura!" The Senator shouted. Aura looked at the Senator right before being hit by a stun round, but before the stun round reached her, she shot her blaster which grazed Ahsoka's arm, causing her to fall to the ground in pain.

The Captain and a couple of guards managed to get the jammed door open and put Aura into custody. You rush over to Ahsoka to check on her. You look at her arm and notice that the blaster bolt only grazed her arm. 

"Guards, I need a bandage." You say. One of the guards nods at your request and he runs to grab a Medical Case. When the guard returned, you grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around her wound. You help her up and she thanks you with a smile.

The guards picked up Aura and escorted her to the palace holding area while you helped Ahsoka to the landing pad. You said your goodbyes to Padme and Captain Typho where you met Master Skywalker with your ride home...

All that Matters... (Ahsoka x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora