Chapter Forty-One: Big Mission Briefing

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You landed the ship in the Temple Hangar and opened the ramp, where you were met by Obi-Wan and Anakin.

"Hello. I trust the meeting when okay?" Your master asked humorously.

"I would say so." You responded. Ahsoka and Anakin walked off to train for awhile. Your master was about to walk off when you stopped him.

"Master, can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure. What is it?" He responded. You sat on a Shipping Crate that was next to you before you spoke.

"While on our journey, we encountered Pre Vizlsa," You began with hesitation, "While I was with him, he confessed that he... He was... He killed my parents." You finally said. You saw a slightly shocked look come over your masters face when he heard this.

"When he told me this... I felt many different emotions. Anger, the most popular among them. For a moment, I wanted to kill him where he stood." You confessed. Your master looked at you and responded.

"It's alright. You wanted vengeance for your parents. What matters is that you didn't do it." He said while placing his hand on your shoulder. You smiled before following him out of the hangar and parting ways. You walked back to your quarters and took your armor off. You took your blaster and lightsaber off your belt and tossed them onto the table before walking into your bathroom and observing your wounds in the mirror. You cleaned yourself up a bit before leaving the bathroom and sitting on your bed. You weren't sure what to do now, so you decided to go meditate. You left your quarters and walked to the meditation room. The room was empty, so you sat down and cleared your mind. It was a calming and healing exercise, which you found to be very helpful. You could feel the force flowing throughout your body. Right now, things felt normal. You felt as if there was nothing wrong with the Galaxy. No wars, no violence, no troubles, just peace. You thought of your love, Ahsoka. You thought of her stunning beauty and her amazing personality. You slowly started to feel something new, though. Out of curiosity, you began to explore this new feeling. Before you knew it, you found yourself in the training room where Ahsoka and Anakin were training. You could tell Ahsoka senses something, causing her to turn around and notice you.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?" She asked. You saw a confused look quickly come over Anakin's face.

"Who are you talking to, Snips?" He asked. She looked back at him with confusion before responding.

"(Y/N). He's right here." She said.

"Uhh... There's no one there, Ahsoka." He said. Ahsoka quickly looked back at you with confusion. She noticed you had the same look on your face. She began to slowly approach you before placing her hand on your chest which, to your surprise, you felt. You looked her in the eyes and lifted your hand up to her cheek, which she felt as well. You two just stared into each other's eyes before you were interrupted by Anakin calling for her. You were soon pulled out of this experience and found yourself in the Meditation room. You quickly stood up and exited the room before walking back to your quarters. You waited patiently for Ahsoka to finish training so you could talk to her about what just happened. After a little bit of waiting, you heard a knock at your door. You quickly walked to the door and opened it, where you were greeted by Ahsoka on the other side. She quickly slammed her lips onto yours before shutting the door behind her.

"You saw that too, right?" You asked.

"Yeah, I did. What was that? What does it mean?"

"I don't know. Did Anakin say anything else about it?"

"Yeah. He cut training short because he thought I was over-tired." She said. You sat down on your bed and thought for a moment before she sat next to you.

"Whatever that was, it must be good, right?" You asked rhetorically.

"I just wished it would've lasted longer." She said flirtatiously. You smiled and looked at her before planting a kiss on the side of her neck, causing her to let out the cutest giggle. She turned to you and pressed her lips against yours. You two lost yourselves in this passionate kiss, but it was soon broken by the beeping of your Comm Link. You let out a groan of annoyance and answered the call.

"Commander (L/N)." You greeted.

"(Y/N). You're needed in the Briefing Room." Your master said.

"Alright," You answered before hanging up, "It never fails." Ahsoka gave you a chuckle before standing up and walking to the door. You walked up to her and placed a kiss on her forehead before you walked out. Ahsoka went to her room while you went to the Briefing Room. When you entered the room, you saw your master by the holotable, accompanied by Commander Cody and Master Yoda.

"Hello Masters, Cody." You greeted.

"Hello (Y/N). We have a new mission. The system of Kijimi has been a hotbed of conflict between the Republic and the Separatists for awhile now, but just recently, the Separatists have given us a reason to let the conflict begin. The 212th is being deployed on Kijimi to assist the ongoing battles there." Obi-Wan explained. You were shocked that your master was allowing you to go on such a mission.

"How long would we be gone?" You asked.

"It depends on how well our efforts go, but I'd say about... two weeks at least." He answered. You were a bit shocked to hear that you would be gone for so long.

"Do you think I'm ready for such a mission?"

"Of course. Your abilities have been getting better, and it's about time you learn how to manage yourself on the field." He said with a smile. You looked at Yoda and Cody, who both nodded.

"Alright. When do we leave?" You ask.

"First thing tomorrow morning." He answered. You acknowledged his response and you were dismissed. As you walked down the halls, you soon realized that you had to break the news to Ahsoka. An entire week without her? That would be the longest you've been apart in awhile. You walked to her room and knocked on her door.

"It's open!" She called. You walked in and shut the door behind you.

"Hey." You greeted.

"Hey! What did they need you for?" She asked.

"I'm going to Kijimi with the 212th to assist with the war efforts." You said while sitting next to her.

"Nice! When are you leaving?" She asked. You could tell she was happy for you.

"Tomorrow morning." You answered.

"When will you guys be back?" She asked. You looked down at the floor whole hesitating to answer the question, but you knew you had to.

"Master Kenobi thinks we'll be gone for at least two weeks." You finally said. She gave you a look of disappointment when you answered.

"Two weeks?! What are you guys doing that takes two weeks?!"

"I don't know. All I know is that it's going to be hard without you. You've been by my side on every mission." You said. She quickly wrapped her arms around you and held you tight.

"I'll call you every chance I get. Maybe we could learn how to do that... thing, again so we can see each other." You proposed. You soon saw her face light up after you said this. You would spend the rest of the day trying to recreate what you did. You two were soon in bed snuggled up to each other as you enjoyed each other's warmth. You slowly fell asleep as you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come...

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