Chapter Twenty: Captured...

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You awoke to feel the cold and hard metal ground. Your hands were bound behind your back with Stun Cuffs. Your eye hurt from the blow that knocked you out. Suddenly, you heard the door open behind you.

"Well, good morning." A mysterious voice greeted. You let out a grunt of pain when the female-sounding person kicked you in the back.

"Get him up. We have a call to make." She said with an evil tone. Two people wrapped their arms under your armpits and they begin to drag you. You began to struggle, but they continued dragging you.

"Let me go!" You yelled.

"Oh. It's gonna take more than that to convince me." The woman said.

"Hold him here." She said before plugging in your Holoprojector to the Holotable. She pressed a button, which dialed the Briefing Room Holotable. Obi-Wan answered, and he was accompanied by Anakin, Plo Koon, and Ahsoka.

"Who is this?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"That's not really important right now. What is important, is that we discuss terms." The woman said. You saw a stern look appear on the faces of everyone else when she said that.

"Terms? What for?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"For getting your Padawan back." She answered before motioning for you to be handed over to her. She held the back of your collar and put a knife up to your neck. You saw everyone's face go from stern to worried, especially Ahsoka's.

"Say Hi." She instructed.

"Hello, everyone." You greeted sternly. You refused to show fear.

"Where were we? Oh right, terms. If you wish to see your Padawan alive, you will bring 400,000 Credits to the Concordia hangar in exactly three days. No sooner, no later. I wish to have my fun with him." She instructed menacingly. No one responded, so she put her knife away and pulled out a baton. She hit you in the stomach which brought you to your knees. She then hit you in the back of your head which knocked you out.

"Three days." She said before hanging up. You woke up strapped to the wall and immediately began to struggle.

"If you struggle, it will only get worse." You heard the woman say. Just as you heard this, you felt a surge of electricity flow through your body, causing you to scream in pain. You caught your breath before saying something.

"I didn't feel a thing." You said with a little laugh. You felt a surge of electricity go through your body, but this one was much worse. You screamed even louder in pain. The next two days were pure torture. You weren't allowed to sleep, and if you did, you awoke to a beating. The day before your release was the worst one. You awoke to a beating, and you were dragged to the same Holotable, where you were met by the woman. She grabbed you and held you by the collar once again. She dialed the Briefing Room once again, and you saw the same audience, but Obi-Wan and Anakin were replaced with Aayla Secura and Yoda. You saw Ahsoka standing there with the same worried expression as before.

"Just a reminder that you have one day to have our money. Say, why don't you tell your friends how much fun we've been having." The woman said, holding a knife up to your neck.

"Don't worry about me. These guys couldn't throw a punch to save their lives." You said with a chuckle.

"Ohhh sorry. That was the wrong answer." She said. You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your Abdomen, and you heard Ahsoka let out a large gasp. You had been stabbed. You immediately started breathing heavily and irregularly. The woman removed the knife quickly and you let out a little cry of pain. She pushed you on your knees but instead you just fell and landed on your back. You heard Ahsoka let out a little cry when you hit the ground. 

"He's alive. For now." She said before ending the call. You looked down and saw that you were bleeding badly. You lay your head back and fought unconsciousness. You began to get dragged back to your cell, and that's where things got spotty. You shut your eyes for what felt like a second, but when you opened them, you heard blaster fire. You didn't have the energy to check to see what was happening. You just lied on the ground and stared at the ceiling.

"I see him! Down the hall!" You heard a familiar voice shout. You heard your door open and you were picked up violently, not by a friend, but your foe. The woman walked you out of your cell and wrapped her arm around you, pointing a blaster at your head with the other arm. You looked forward and saw Obi-Wan, Anakin, and three clones stop in front of you two.

"Don't come any closer or he dies!" The woman yelled.

"Let him go, now!" Anakin shouted. The clones pointed their weapons at you two, which made the woman realize she was outnumbered.

"You want him? Fine, have him!" She yelled before pushing you away and shooting you in the back. You let out a scream of pain and fall to the ground. Barely conscious, you hear blaster fire and the roar of a jet-pack. The woman had gotten away. The clones started tending to your wounds.

"I hear reinforcements! Get him up and let's go!" Obi-Wan instructed. You felt the clones put your arms over their shoulders and carry you with haste. You went in and out of consciousness, but before you knew it, you were on the ship. The clones put you on a stretcher and patched the wounds. They bandaged the wounds, but the bleeding from the blaster shot wouldn't stop.

"Is anyone else cold?" You ask.

"It's okay, sir. Just keep your eyes open." One of the clones respond.

"Thank you, trooper. What are your names?" 

"I'm CT-9016, or Frostbite. This is Fives." Frostbite responded. 

"Thank you, Frostbite and Fives." You said. You stared at the ceiling for the remainder of the journey home. Frostbite had given you a shot to help with the pain, but it didn't work. You groaned and cried with pain the entire way home. Once you landed in the Temple Hangar, everything went very quickly. The clones picked up the stretcher and carried you to the Medical Room as quickly and carefully as possible. 

"Move it! Out of the way!" They shouted as they carried you. They placed you onto the bed, and you were approached by Medical Personnel, but by the time they began treating you, you were already unconscious. 


You slowly opened your eyes and looked around to see Ahsoka sitting next to you, half-asleep.

"Long night, huh?" You questioned weakly yet humorously. She quickly looked at you and hugged you.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" 

"Other than the stab and blaster wound, yeah I'm fine." You replied with a chuckle. She laughed and quickly kissed you. You were glad to kiss your love. You just wished it was under better circumstances...

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