4 • bonding :)

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this is gonna be pretty short, i'm extremely tired.


"apple slice?" tommy offered, handing one over. y/n happily took it and continued to draw. they were now sitting on the curb in front of their school, eating the contents of tommy's packed lunch. after tommy heard that y/n could draw, he had insisted she draw his "handsome face," and she was fully absorbed in this task as she ate the apple slices, her eyebrows knitted together and her face just inches away from her sketchpad.

"sooo what kind of gaming do you do? like what sort of games?" tommy asked, figuring she might want something to talk about while she worked.

"mostly basic stuff like minecraft, overwatch, among us. i'm not a hardcore gamer or anything like you. no youtube channel or intense fanbase," she smiled at him, but he stared at his feet, embarrassed at the mention of his success. humble.

"i'm not that intense of a gamer either, not as good as dream or anything," he admitted, talking about this dream character as if everyone on earth knew who he was.

"dream? who is that?" tommy looked shocked, and then overjoyed.

"holy crap. i cant wait to tell dream you heard of me before you heard of him. that's gold," he rambled, still not explaining in the slightest who this guy was and why tommy seemed so happy to make fun of him. y/n asked again.

"oh he's a really popular youtuber who's like a god at minecraft. he does speedrunning n shit." he had his mouth full with peanut butter sandwich as he talked, and y/n could hardly understand him. she nodded and continued her drawing.

"how do you know him? do you guys speedrun together or something?" it was an innocent question, but tommy seemed to take it personal.

"how dare you assume i would do something as boring as speedrunning. no, i make funny content, like roleplay and stuff with my buddy tubbo. and wilbur." roleplaying? that sounded incredible cringey. tommy seemed to read the expression on y/n's face. "it's not as cringe as it sounds, i promise." she didn't believe him.

they went on like that for a while, cracking jokes and learning about each other. "do you live around here?" tommy asked, becoming anxious to see the drawing of him.

"tommy, we literally were at the same bus stop." wow, that was shitty. "sorry. yes, i live around here. on bluewood."

"oh, cool. i live near there. just around the corner actually. it's weird that we've never seen each other," he responded, trying to discreetly peek over y/n's shoulder at her drawing.

"i just moved in a couple weeks ago. i did live a little over half-an-hour away, but we moved here since my dad got- HEY!" she quickly hugged the paper to her chest, pushing away tommy's face. disappointed, he did a dramatic pouting face. "oh put away the look. i'm almost done." she tried hard not to smile, but tommy's fake pout was too much. she buried her face in her hands, not wanting to show him that he was actually funny.

a few minutes of bickering later, and y/n was finally finished. she handed over the sketchpad and closed her eyes, not wanting to see his reaction. after a few beats of silence, tommy finally spoke up. "wow y/n this is actually... really good." this was the most serious she had heard him all day.

"well don't sound so surprised. i didn't spend an hour on it for nothing." she mumbled, nervous from tommy's new tone of voice. she sat there a moment, watching him absorb the drawing. his hair looked overgrown and golden in the hot sun. his eyes scanned the picture over and over again, and he smiled warmly. it made her feel good about herself, seeing how happy she had made him, and seeing how she had exceeded his expectations.

just then, they heard the bell ring inside the building signaling the end of the day (ik there should be more periods and this isn't how uk schools work rn but i got sick of writing in a school setting), and becca came out the doors, talking to some group of drama kids. she really did make friends fast. she noticed y/n and tommy sitting on the curb, and furrowed her brow. "what are you guys doing here? didn't you have class?"

"we dropped out," y/n said nonchalantly, followed by a classic tommy laugh.

"yeah amen amen."


"y/n" keeps autocorrecting to "talon" so if your name is talon you are apparently a very lucky lady.

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