A Certain Bruised Flower

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"By the order of His Highness, you are forbidden to leave the Jujue Palace." Quan Linwen's arrogance is simply astounding. I've just about had it. For the past two weeks, Quan Linwen has stood guard by the doors to the palace, blocking my every attempt to leave. I feel my hands curl into fists, just itching to lash out. Quan Linwen's eyes meet mine, two endless obsidian pits. She gives me a mocking look, daring me to strike her. If I wasn't terrified of the Eighth Prince, I would, gods be damned.

Beside me, Xiaoyue speaks up, "Vice Commandant Quan, your tone when addressing the Her Highness, the Princess Jujue, is inappropriate." She's speaking for me, allowing me to maintain the... façade... of a noble and magnanimous lady. Quan Linwen bristles visibly angered to have been rebuked by a slave. However, just like my need to maintain the appearance of a regal princess, she must maintain the cold demeanor of her position as Vice Commandant.

I turn to leave before Quan Linwen can retort. Ha! Two of us can play this game. However, before I can even take a step, a knock at the door pulls me back. Despite Quan Linwen throwing me a look that could kill, I stubbornly refuse to move. The Eighth Prince may have forbidden me from leaving, but he said nothing about seeing people from outside. Eventually, after Quan Linwen realizes I'm not going to be scared away, she opens the door.

The hairless, chubby face of Zhang Rang smiles at me from the other side of the door. Quan Linwen's face is contorted with bare veiled disgust and loathing. Perfect. I smile back at Zhang Rang, a conspirator's grin, "Ah! Central Regular Attendant Zhang, to what does this Palace owe the pleasure? Please, do not stand on ceremony, enter this princess's humble abode."

"This lowly one thanks the Princess Jujue a thousand times for her invitation." Zhang Rang quickly steps in, brushing past Quan Linwen so casually one would think she didn't even exist. I mentally smirk. Zhang Rang continues, "This lowly one is here to apologize for his actions a fortnight ago. This lowly one hopes Your Highness will not hold anything against him."

"This Palace is not the one Central Regular Attendant Zhang needs to apologize to." Let's see how sincere you are Zhang Rang.

Under normal circumstances, a member of the imperial court, especially one of such position as Zhang Rang would consider it an insult to be asked to apologize to a mere maid. I doubt he'll— He's actually doing it? Zhang Rang's bow, although small and curt, speaks volumes. "This one hopes that miss will find it in her heart to forgive this one."

Xiaoyue looks at me, panicked. Our eyes meet. Her eyes ask: What do I do? I glance at Zhang Rang. Xiaoyue reciprocates, bowing to Zhang Rang as a sign of forgiveness. Apology delivered, Zhang Rang turns towards me, "This lowly one hopes he might be of use to Your Highness. In fact, this lowly one has something," Zhang Rang looks pointedly at Quan Linwen who stares daggers back, "exclusively for Your Highness's ears."

"Truly? Then let us move to somewhere more private." Neither Xiaoyue nor I notice the greedy glint that passes through the eunuch's eyes.

Central Regular Attendant (中常侍)- A position awarded by Emperor Ling to a court clique of eunuchs (the Ten Regular Attendants) who, historically, controlled the Han empire in its final days. As any source will tell you, these eunuchs, also having been ennobled as marquises by the Emperor, were extraordinarily corrupt and nepotistic. They appointed family members to positions of power, extracted massive taxes from the weary populace, and oppressed "virtuous" court scholars who were trying to reform the court.

Forms of Self-Address- Hooooo-boy. It's time to talk names again.Aurelia, being the wife of the Eighth Princess has several official titlesand forms of address. Historically, female nobility addressed themselves as"This Palace" when speaking from inside their palaces. Outside their palaces,they used a variety of different forms of address depending on whom they werespeaking to (but for simplicity's sake we'll be using "This Princess").Meanwhile, Princesses were not addressed by their personal names (Aurelia'sbeing Liu Zeyue as bestowed upon her by Emperor Ling) but the name of their palace of residence (so Aurelia is thePrincess Jujue since she lives in the Jujue Palace).

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