Reminiscence Pt. 2

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The explosive twang of the Celeri Delphina's ballista sounds the start of the battle. Seems like mounting a harpax onboard was the right decision then. Normally, harpaxes would only be found on larger vessels given the deck space they consume. I can't help but let loose a giggle as I imagine the faces of the pirates as they see a harpax grapple latch onto their ship. Simultaneously, I steal a quick glance at the Celeri Delphina's captain, his face is the epitome of begrudging respect. I bet he's pretty grateful that I insisted on dragging a harpax on board. Looks like we might be getting laurels for this one.

The pirates we were chasing had been terrorizing the Hellenic isles over the past few weeks causing significant damage and trade disruption. Rumor had it they even managed to kidnap the daughter of the magistrate of Thessalonica, a distant relative of mine actually. Under the orders of my father, the Equestrian Governor, a temporary fleet was raised to hunt down the pirates and eliminate them. As to who would serve as marines for the fleet, that task fell to Legio XIX Lux Aeterna.

As the Celeri Delphina drew ever closer to the pirates' ship, I can see them desperately hacking away at the harpax grapple in a futile attempt to escape. Too late. "Throw grapples and prepare to board!" My orders are quickly echoed by junior centurions and senior legionnaires and dozens of ropes soon arc through the air towards the pirate ship. Many grapples miss, but even more find their mark and soon the gap between the two vessels narrows to boarding range. With the cry of "Take them!" legionnaires vault the gap between the two vessels and storm into close combat. The battle cry "BARRITUS!" follows shortly thereafter, a guttural cry which causes the pirates to retreat before the onslaught of our blades.

I draw my own gladius and leap across the gap with ease. A burly pirate spots my helmet plumes and charges me, knocking aside legionnaires like dominoes. Gladius in my right, I fall into a low crouch, waiting for him to close the gap. With a mighty roar, the pirate brings down his ax in a vertical arc, intending to break through any defense with brute force and split my head in twain. Fool. I swiftly sidestep, avoiding his blow with contemptuous ease, before closing the distance to stab him through the knee. The pirate screams in pain, dropping his ax and falling to a knee. I simply drive my gladius in a horizontal stab through his throat, killing him instantly.

In the corner of my eye, I see Cassius barreling his way through half a dozen pirates, using his shield as a battering ram to drive them into the sea. Another pirate charges me. I bat his blade away effortlessly and deliver a killing stab. Seeing their comrade fall so quickly, the pirates begin to waver, retreating before me. I dash forward, delivering a pair of devastating, though non-fatal, slashes that take two more pirates out of action. A lunge takes down another one. Parry and a swift riposte, another one. My childhood training takes hold completely as I descend into a killing calm, apathetically slaughtering any pirate who approaches me. Pinned between the rampaging Ox and me, the remaining pirates quickly throw down their weapons in surrender.

Laurels- The Roman equivalent of military decorations or medals, laurels or crowns were typically awarded for acts of exemplary bravery or self-sacrifice. The laurels Aurelia refers to here actually mean merits. In other words, by successfully tracking down the pirates, Aurelia and the naval captain, as the military commanders of the operation, will gain a mark of merit on their records. On another note, the first man to board an enemy ship will receive a golden naval crown (corona navalis) for their bravery.

Equestrian Governors- Technically known as Equestrian Procurators, these men were drawn from the Eques (knight) social class of the Empire. Equestrian Governors were typically temporarily appointed to rule over newly acquired territories by the Emperor. In The Foreign Empress, Equestrian Governors are a whole class of governors all unto themselves, appointed by the Emperor as permanent governors of a province. Hence, Aurelia, being the daughter of an Equestrian Governor, especially one of a province as significant as Thracia, holds considerable social status. Probably something equivalent to a marquis or count. 

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