Reminiscence Pt. 1

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The green waters of the Yellow River stretch beyond the horizon. A sweet breeze gradually embraces my back and I feel the ship beneath me surge forward. From Chang'an, my convoy boarded a river ship and began making its way down the Yellow River to the capital. Our ship has been forced to stop nearly a dozen times now due to excessive river traffic, yet another testament to the wealth of Han.

The Heizhenzu commander, a crow-like man named Quan Kou, hovers behind me with half a dozen Heizhenzu agents. Quan Kou's appearance is surprisingly elderly for the leader of a group of warriors. He presents the image of a refined gentleman, iron hair flowing in wispy locks, even stroking his goatee every once in a while. His eyes, underneath that completely neutral veneer all the Heizhenzu possess, glow with a soft wisdom that commands respect. Indeed, his subordinates treat him less like an officer and more like an elderly father figure.

Despite Quan Kou's wholesome appearance, however, the Heizhenzu's purpose is anything but pure. Right when we had left Chang'an, I asked one of the Heizhenzu what their unit's purpose was. His reply sent shivers down my spine yet again: "To answer Your Highness's question, we Heizhenzu are a unit under His Highness the Eighth Prince tasked with ensuring the tranquility of the celestial empire by any means necessary." Secret police. Great.

I turn around and step down from the platform at the bow of the ship, Heizhenzu agents falling into a loose formation around me, Quan Kou just behind me on my right. Nowhere safer than being in the tiger's cave huh? The Parthians are below deck, seasick apparently. I imagine the presence of Heizhenzu probably doesn't help either. The familiar rocking of the ship slowly warps my surroundings, dredging up memories.

Two years earlier...

Salty foam splashes over the forecastle of the Celeri Delphina, a liburnian of the Classis Thracia. Beautiful blue stretches in all directions but I'm a bit too busy puking to notice. "Oi! Aurelian, you sick dog! Stop throwing up for a second, will you?" With great effort I stand upright, wiping off the last of my vomit. The speaker takes a second to come into view, my vision still a tad hazy from seasickness. It's Cassius Pontius Simplex, the largest man and most junior centurion in our cohort.

"Screw you Cassius, you dumb bull. The only reason you're not here puking next to me is that your walnut of a brain can't even comprehend the concept of seasickness. Also, show some respect for your senior why don't you?" Cassius smiles sheepishly and pats me on the back gently. Unfortunately for me, his "gentle" pat is akin to being slapped by a hammer, a testament to his awesome strength. After another trip to the railing, I literally have nothing more to vomit. Thank God.

"Target sighted centurion!" A navy sailor calls down to me from a spotting post on top of the mast. Finally! We've been searching for these bastard pirates for days and I've just about had it. My training takes over and I quickly assume the iron persona of an experienced officer, seasickness be damned. My naval counterpart issues orders for the rowers to pick up their pace. Not one to be outshone my own orders come out in a quick, practiced stream, "All men to battle stations! Ready the harpax for boarding!"

Celeri Delphina- Swift Dolphin in Latin, the name of the liburnian Aurelia is on.

Liburnian- A light galley usually used for patrols or raiding. Most Roman liburnians were biremes (two banks of oars) making them larger (and thus capable of carrying more marines) than a single-decked penteconter while remaining faster and more agile than a three-decked trireme. Excuse my geeking out. :)

Classis Thracia- Meaning "Fleet of Thracia" in Latin. Fictional as with most military formations in The Foreign Empress (unless mentioned otherwise).

Harpax- A boarding implement which involved the use of a ballista to shoot a grappling hook at enemy ships to allow for boarding. 

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