Prologue- An Eternal Empire

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The sweet cries of songbirds ring out over the golden rooves of the Imperial Palace. Inside the Jinlong Hall, courtiers flock to their positions, each one clutching tablets containing petitions. The tramp of armored boots alerts the ministers to the arrival of the Imperial procession.

"Kneel for the Empress!"

Flanked by golden-armored Imperial guards, I stride into my Jinlong Hall with relaxed ease. With a flourish, I sit on the Dragon Throne, my throne. Seated, I can see the capitol extend into the distance, beyond the curvature of the horizon. Beyond the great walls of the capitol extends an empire that dominates much of the known world. It is the Kingdom of Heaven made manifest upon the earth. But to me, it is my demesne.

I bring my gaze back to the dozens of ministers and generals kneeling in front of my throne. They come from all across the world. The Imperial Protectors of Han, the horselords of the steppes, the tribal chieftains of Yue, the pirate lords of the seas, the märzbans of Parthia, the legates of Rome. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Javanese, Vietnamese, Xiongnu, Rouran, Parthians, Turks, Romans. But to me, they are all my subjects.

I bring my gaze closer. In the front are men and women clad in the richest of raiment. They are the ones who lack nothing, indisputably among the most powerful individuals to ever live. To the world, they are marshals, admirals, governors, scholars, poets, kings, and queens. They rule over vast territories, command endless armies, and possess infinite wealth. But to me, they are loyal friends, concubines, and servants.

I bring my gaze even closer, turning my head to look at the man next to me. His silver hair falls like snow, framing his flawless visage in a blizzard of beauty. He notices my gaze and turns toward me, smiling witha warmth that puts the sun to shame. He is the Emperor of an empire unrivaled by any other to precede or proceed it. He demands the awe and reverence of over one hundred million subjects across hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. But to me, he is my husband.

Finally, I bring my gaze to the life cradled in my arms. Her father's silver hair sprouts from her round face in cute little tufts. Cerulean eyes gaze into mine. To everyone present, she is the subject of unmatched adoration and reverence. This fragile baby, my daughter, is the heir to what I've forged, the heir to an eternal empire. She is the goddaughter of the greatest warriors to grace the earth, she is the niece of kings and queens, she is the destination of tribute from five hundred different peoples. But to me, she is everything.

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