A Reluctant Agreement

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The curtains are drawn back. A sigh of relief escapes me. The girl grabs my hand and her brother's, "Come elder sister." With her as my guide, I make it out of the slums without further issue. As we reach the edge of the slums, I turn around to thank her, but she's vanished without a trace.

I manage to make it back to the inn, much to Fatima's relief. This initial relief is quickly replaced by a fierce chastising. Fatima's voice is low, practically a whisper as she's afraid of eavesdroppers, but her anger is clear. "Ghōlā, you forget yourself. Remember you are masquerading as our Shahzadi," the mere mention of that sheltered princess causes Fatima's voice to adopt an awed tone. She continues, "You should be thanking your Christian god that instead of being sold to a brothel you will live a life of luxury. Yet you smear our goodwill and benevolence by behaving whimsically and jeopardizing the alliance between Parthia and the Han."

She trails off expectantly, obviously awaiting some sort of apology. It is not forthcoming. "I'm perfectly fine, aren't I?" Silence. I press the attack. "Maybe if you and the guards aren't so insistent on keeping me on a leash, I might not try and run in the future."

"Your careless interactions with the populace are unbefitting of one bearing the title of Shahzadi. Moreover, your deceit is not perfect. We must avoid suspicion until you are married, lest the Han discover the truth."

"My deceit? This is YOUR deceit!" Fatima leaps forward, smothering my mouth with a firm hand. Her eyes dart around the room frantically, desperately trying to discern if the walls have ears.

"Ghōlā, you endanger us all!" She hisses, before continuing, "If you are revealed, an existence more painful than death awaits us." I nod. We're allies. Tentative ones perhaps, but allies; for now. Fatima reluctantly moves her hand away. She seems to have calmed down a bit. "I sincerely apologize My Highness. My temper got the better of me. However, what I say still stands. You cannot continue to frolic about the city without care." There is steel in her voice. I relent, "If you're going to lock me up in here, then at least give me some people who I can talk to. I'm sick of waking up to you every morning." I throw Fatima a devilish grin. I play coy but inside I'm desperate. I need someone with loyalty only to me. Her face stays frozen, refusing to rise to my provocation. Shame.

"Does Your Highness have someone in mind?"

"I believe I do."

Ghōlā: Parthian for slave. Remember, Aurelia is technically still a Parthian slave even though she is playing the part of the Shahzadi. Fatima, a royal maid, is actually the daughter of a Parthian noble, albeit a very minor one. Hence, Fatima is socially far above Aurelia despite having to treat Aurelia as a princess, probably an infuriating situation for her. May or may not be borrowed and modified from Arslan Senki.

Aurelia mentions waking up to Fatima everymorning. This literally means Fatima sleeps in the same bed as Aurelia (uwu), an act meant to protect Aurelia's chastity.

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