The Plan

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They drove for about half an hour and Eleven was becoming confused, 

"My house isn't this far away. where are we going? Mike?" she questioned. 

"I don't know. Johnathan whats going on?" Mike answered. 

"We are going to someone who could help El..." he replied. 

"I WANT TO GO HOME!" Eleven shouted and the car swerved dangerously. 

"Woah! Mike keep your girlfriend under control will you?" Johnathan gripped the steering wheel hard. 

"El. please just cooperate with us." Max pleaded. 

"Fine. but with payment." El slumped. 

"What? we have nothing!" Will said angrily. 

"name the price kid." Nancy said from the passenger seat. 


"Anything instead?" 

"Chocolate mousse." 

"Err theres a services just down here. we can stop there and get you some."Johnathan nodded. 

"Yes." Eleven said. 

they pulled over in the petrol station and Johnathan began to fill up the car. Mike walked Eleven into the little shop and took her to the Eggos. 

"Here take as many as you want." mike said and watched her as she scooped out every single box. then walked over to the chocolate mousse and took 5 boxes. 

"Geez El. do you really need this much?" Mike asked her and she gave him a look that shut him up. 

they made their way to the till and Eleven piled the boxes in front of the manager. the manager raised his eyebrows then began to scan all the boxes. 

"Okay that comes to...58 dollars and 49 cents." 

mikes eyes widened then he pulled out his wallet from his shorts pocket and opened it up. he handed over most of his notes and then asked for a bag. the Manager began to pack the boxes into 5 carrier bags. 

"Okay kids here you go. thanks for shopping. do you need help with the door?" 

"Nah i've got it." El said even though all her hands were full. 

"O-okay." the Manager said unsurely and watched them as they walked out. the door swung open of its own accord and mike and Eleven marched out. 

"Wait! How did you do that?!" Manager said. they didn't reply and they climbed back into the car. 

they drove for another hour or two then eventually pulled into a drive leading up to a concrete building. Johnathan parked carelessly then got out the car once more. 

"Okay lets go." Johnathan said and everyone climbed out after him. 

"Are you sure you know what your doing?" Nancy asked Johnathan as they walked side by side to the high security door. 

"Yes he could help us." 

"Eleven doesn't trust this man. she could potentially kill him. especially as they are fluent in Russian." Nancy replied. 

"Eleven could kill us now. she doesn't know who we are at the moment." 

they knocked on the door and waited. 

"These look like nice people." Max says as she read the message on the door. 


"Yeah well if this dude can help with El thats all i need." Mike said. 

"Where is El anyways?" Will asked. 

Eleven climbed out the car last with two pots of chocolate mousse in her hands. she looked Max up and down then stood beside her cautiously. 

"Hi." Max said awkwardly, "Do you remember anything?" 

Eleven shook her head although a small flicker of recognition passed through her eye as she looked at will. 

Nancy knocked again. 

"Look up at the camera." a robot like voice said. they all did,"Oh jesus you lot again. why? why me?" 

"Look Murray we just need your help." Johnathan said up at the camera, "Eleven's lost her memory. can you please let us in?" 

there was several clicks, which seemed to startle Eleven then the door flew open. a man stood there. he was unkept and tired looking. he wore a dirty vest top and joggers. his glasses looked like the only thing that he actually kept clean. 

"Hi." Nancy said politely. 

"Miss Wheeler right?" Murray asked. 


"Come in." 

they all shuffled their way into the porch like room. then they were ushered down a dark corridor into a welcoming open space. there was two sofas, one was covered in snacks and empty crisp packets. the other had a well kept man sitting in it. his glasses perched lightly on his nose and white shirt rolled up to the elbows. in his hand he held a cherry slushie with a blue straw sticking out the top. 

"Everyone this is my friend Alexei. he used to be a Russian working for the Russian spies that your friends Dustin, Robin and Steve found." Murray introduced them. 

"Hi. I'm Nancy." she said hoping to come off as light hearted. 

"Privet, Nensi, kak ty?" Alexei smiled at Nancy's confusion. 

"He speaks no English. i tried to teach him but gave up when he threw his strawberry slushie in my face." Murray explained. 

"Oh err what did he say?" Nancy asked. 

"Hello Nancy how are you." Murray said bored. 

Nancy gave an awkward thumbs up to Alexei and he returned one happily. Murray made his way to the kitchen and helped himself to some Vodka. they all followed him and he turned startled. 

"Fine what can i help you with?" He said. 

"Eleven has lost her memory." Will said. 

"Who? Oh yeah the freaky mind power girl." Murray looked at Eleven who shattered the glass in his hand.

"Jesus! Look do you want help or not? i certainly won't give it to you if spill my drink." Murray said angrily, dropping the shards of glass too the floor and pouring a new glass. 

"Okay do you know how we can fix this?" Mike asked stepping forward. 


"Great!" Max said, "How?" 

"By breaking into the Hawkins Lab Facility and getting a liquid that you will inject into her." Murray said calmly. 

"What." Mike's mouth dropped open, "We can't do that! we're a few kids!"

"I thought your friend had mind powers? can't she make you invisible?" Murray said unimpressed. 

"No. but Kali can." Eleven spoke up. they all turned and looked at her confused. 

"Who now?" Johnathan asked. 

"Kali. my sister." Eleven said as if it would clear things up. 

"You have a sister." Will said trying to digest this information. 

"How do you only remember select things?" Nancy asked, Eleven shrugged and grabbed a spoon from the kitchen counter and delved into her chocolate mousse. 

"Right so this girl, apparently El's sister can help us?" Mike said. 

"Where do we even find her?" Johnathan asked.

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