The Great Escape

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they all froze. Steve slowly looked at the hall outside and saw no one. 

"Okay we need to get out of here quickly. Charley do you remember the way out?" Robin said. 

"Yes. its not far from here." Charley responded. 

"Okay. do we go all together or separately?" Steve asked, "Because i think if we go in smaller groups it would work." 

"I'll go with El. i'll carry her and Nancy and Mike you come." Johnathan said and picked Eleven up. 

Steve nodded, "Okay you guys go now." 

they left quickly Robin looking at Nancy as she left. 

"Okay now what?" Dustin asked. 

"Eleven's gone and she gonna get her memory back thats good." Max said. 

"Right Steve you go with Kali. carry her and take Lucas and Will with you." Robin said. 

"What? no!" Steve protested. 

"Steve. we have to save the unconscious first. you go with Lucas and Will. please." Robin said. 

then with one last look at Robin, steve picked up Kali and headed out followed by Lucas and Will.  

Max ran over to the window and saw gratefully that Eleven and Mike had made it out and were running across the field to get to the cover of the woods behind the fence. 

"Okay lets g-" Robin began then guards burst into the room. 

the four huddled together. and Robin grabbed Dustin's hand. Dustin looked up at her before shrugging and looking at the guards. 

"Hi." Charley said. 

"three?!" a guard said then sounded an alarm. 

"One of the girls is here! i repeat one of the girls is here!" he shouted into a communicator. 

Charley lifted her hand and blood trickled down her nose. the guards began to scream and become helpless. 

"We can't get past them! we have to go out the window." Max realised. 

"Are you crazy?!" Robin shouted over the screams. then one of the guards started to shoot at nothing and the others followed. 

"Come on!" Max said and they bent low whilst making there way to the window that was shattered by a bullet. the three shielded themselves from oncoming glass and it slashed at their skin. 

Dustin looked over the window frame, "Shit. its 2 AND A HALF STOREYS UP!" he screamed. 

2Yep and we're jumping!" Max said before throwing herself off the building and landing with a thump. 

she got up and limped over to a nearby hedge. she beckoned for us to go and Dustin slowly got onto the edge. someone shot into his arm and he fell to the ground.

"SHITTTTT!" He screamed.

"DUSTIN!" Robin shouted after he fell. she watched his descent and gasped when Steve rushed forward out of nowhere and half caught half cushioned Dustin as he fell. 

"CHARLEY!" Robin shouted at her. she turned a fiery look in her eyes, "GO!" 

Charley released her hold on the guards and jumped out of the window. 

the guards looked around. shook at what just happened and saw Robin sitting on the window ledge. 

"OI!" One shouted at her ad began to fire his gun. after the fear encounter he was shook and missed Robin completely and Robin was then pushed by another guard. and shot in mid air. 

Robin screamed as she fell. and saw her whole life flit before her eyes. 

Nancys POV

I saw Robin before i heard her. without knowing what i was doing i began to run across the field towards the building. 

"NANCY!" I heard Johnathan shout. i ignored him and ran as if my life depended on it. i got there just before i saw Robin get pushed off. 

"ROBIN!" Me and Steve screamed.  

i saw the guard shoot her. Steve caught her just as she hit the ground. 

"BASTARD!" I screamed up at the guard. i ran forward to Robins side. her eyes were shut and she wasn't moving. 

"We have to get out of here!" Dustin said through tears of pain. he held a piece of ripped clothing to his gunshot. 

Steve picked up Robin and they all began to run back across the expanse of grass. Lucas was supporting Max as she had broken her ankle and they where moving a little slower. 

and Will was crippling under the weight of Kali who was awake, but weak. 

they made it to the fence and walked through the hole that Johnathan had made somehow. 

Steve laid Robin on the ground and i pushed to the front to see her. Steve shook her pathetically. 

"Steve stop! we need to find the wound!" i say trying to keep it together. they turned Robin over and saw a gunshot in her shoulder. i looked at  Steve who had blood on his hands and jacket from where the blood had gushed out. 

"Okay. someone get me a piece of cloth or something to stop the bleeding." I panic. someone hands me a piece of fabric and i press it to Robins back.  

"Okay Steve help me roll her over." Steve does and i check for breathing. i choke out a sob. 

"She has a weak pulse we need to do CPR!" I instruct as i felt a low pulse on Robin's neck. 

"O-okay Steve i need you to do thirty chest compressions. I'll breathe into her mouth o-okay?" i stumble. 

Steve nods and begins. 

"Right! some call an ambulance or police or something!" Dustin said and in that moment everything became real and i began to try and revive Robin. 

i heard people get up during my breaths. I imagine Johnathan running over to Steves car and i heard the rev of the engine. 

Everyone's POV

The rest of them all watched in silence as Nancy would breathe into Robins mouth every thirty chest compressions Steve did. Max didn't care about her broken ankle anymore. and Dustin didn't care about his arm. 

"Come on Robin!" Steve said in a grunt. 

"Robin wake up!" Dustin said from beside Nancy. 

everyone else was to worried to speak. 

they sat there a long time. Steve sweating with tiredness although he didn't stop. 

the sound of Steve's car returning was good although they only hope that help was on their way. 

Johnathan got out of the car with Will who had gone with him.

"Help is coming!" Johnathan said as he saw what was going on. 

"How long?!" Max asked. 

"10 minutes!" Will replied. 

Kali sat up in confusion. she saw Robin lying on the ground and she gasped. and then saw Eleven on the ground unconscious still. 

"Oh my god what happened?!" Kali exclaimed. 

"Robin got shot and Eleven's memory is restoring." Mike said. 

they heard a siren in the distance just before Robin's eyes flickered. 

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