split up

20 1 4

They had spread out, each team going down a different route. no one had found anything yet but Kali's power of making them invisible was working well. no one had seen them yet and they had gotten past security and workers. 

but every once in a while Eleven thought one of the Doctors would look straight at her. 

"Okay so project Zero is still active?" they overheard a Doctor say. 

Eleven's team stopped walking. 

"Of course. we also need to find the girls. three of them have escaped and i don't like to loose any more." the unpleasant voice of one of the Doctors that operated on her said. Eleven moved forward from the place that they were stood. 

Mike grabbed her arm and shook his head. she wriggled out of his grasp and carried on walking forward. she stood in front of the Doctor and then she moved her neck very slightly. the Doctor fell to the ground dead.

"Jesus!" the other doctors companion said just before his neck was broken. 

"El!" Max shout whispered. Eleven ran back to them and they began to move away from the bodies. 

"Hey Eleven come in!" Charley's voice said inside her head. Eleven stopped. and she listened. 

"What?" Eleven said bitterly. 

"We found the Memory lab. go to the north side of the building!" Charleys voice said and she was cut off. 

"They found the Memory lab go to the north side of the building." Eleven repeated. 

"Okay lets go!" Will shouted just as they knew that the invisibility stopped working. Something had happened to Kali. 

they ran through the building punching and fighting the officers and Doctors they passed. 

"Look! Turn here!" Max shouted as she pointed at a sign that said, 

M E M O R Y   L A B R O T O R Y 

They all followed and then were blocked by a ton of guards. 

"Hello kids. how did you get in here?" one said a slight sneer in his voice. 

"Hi officers." Max smiled sweetly before nudging Eleven who smashed the lights and broke each guards neck in turn.  

they carried on running down the now dark corridor. there was a yelp and a thud. 

"Sorry. just tripped over a body." Will's voice came out of the dark. Mike found him and helped him up. Will stood then his knees buckled. 

"Ah! i think i sprained my ankle." Will cried. 

"Err okay let me help you walk." Mike said and supported his friend as they walked towards the other group. 



Kali's group had stopped. She had been knocked unconscious and was lying on the ground. 

"Kali! Kali! wake up!" Steve shook the girl. they were hidden in a abandoned room. they had run away from the guards that had knocked Kali out and where hiding in there. 

Dustin was sitting on the floor next to Lucas. both of them trying to catch their breaths when the Guards walked past the door. 

Steve signaled everyone to be very quiet. 

"Where are the kids?" one said. 

"The one's we were chasing?" said another. 

"No! theres two other groups. where are they?" 

"I heard word that they were headed to the north side of the building." 

"Lets go." and the footsteps died away. 

the group inside the room looked at each other. 

"Okay I'm going to carry Kali we are then going to try and make it to the others alright?" Steve said whilst hoisting Kali round his shoulders in a army position. 

Dustin opened the door slightly and looked out. 

"Anything there?" Lucas asked. Dustin shook his head and they hurried from the room. 

they kept low and tried to avoid any kind of camera they saw. they came to a part of the Lab that was dark and all the lights had smashed. 

"Eleven has come this way." Dustin said. they went down the dark corridor and watched where they stepped. 

they heard voices up ahead and Steve stopped. 

"Shh." he said as they tried to overhear the voices. 

"Which way do you think Charley went? they said they were down by the north side." the welcoming voice of Max said. 

"Max!" Lucas said into the darkness. 

"Lucas?" came the reply. 

"Guys?" Dustin walked forward and bumped into Will.

"Ow! Dustin i sprained my ankle!" Will complained. 

"sorry." Dustin mumbled. 

"Okay we are gonna stay together and find Charleys group." Steve instructed. 

"Where's Kali?" Eleven's small voice asked. 

"She's here i carried her. she's unconscious." Steve replied. 

"What?!" Eleven pretty much shouted. 

"Shh!" they all said. 

they started walking forward and Steve couldn't help wonder if Nancy and Robin were okay. 

"Hey Charley where are you?" Eleven said in her mind. 

"In the Memory Lab trying to find the right Injection." Charley replied. 

"Is the corridor dark outside?" Eleven asked. 


"Answer me."

"Y-yes it is."

"Okay because i can see the room your in." 

and it was true. there was light coming from one room up ahead. and the sign on the door Said Memory Lab. 

they rushed forward and opened the door and all of them bustled inside. Steve finally put down Kali before Robin rushed to him and hugged him.

"Dingus!" she cried. 

"err Robin?" Steve replied giving her a friendly pat on the back. she let go of him and looked up. 

"What took you so long!" she said angrily. 

"Err i don't know..." Steve mumbled. 

"Got it!" Nancy said loudly. she rushed over to Eleven looked at her then jabbed the needle into Eleven's arm. 

"Ow!" Eleven shouted then she blacked out. just as all the lights turned on again. 

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