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they drove in silence. all secretly dreading the plan. no one knew what was going to happen.

after about 2 hours of complete silence they drove into Hawkins. Johnathan parked a little way from the Lab and they all got out of the car nervously. 

"So. where's your sister?" Will asked Eleven. 

"She said she'd meet us here." Eleven said. 

just then another car pulled up in front of them. Steve stepped out with Robin, Charley, Dustin and Lucas. 

"Hi guys whats up. we got a phone call from Max saying you need our help." Steve said. 

"No i said we need Charleys help." Max said annoyed. 

"Well you got a few extra hands." Lucas smiled at Max and she rolled her eyes. Eleven looked at all the newcomers. she didn't recognise a single one. 

"Hey El. so whats the problem?" Dustin said. Eleven looked at him confused, "Problem?" 

"Eleven's lost her memory." Mike said, "And we need to get into Hawkins Lab and find the cure." 

Steve's mouth fell open, Dustin's hat fell off and Lucas gasped. 

"So she doesn't remember anything?" Robin asked. 

"She remember specific things. like Mike and Hopper and Hawkins Lab." Nancy answered and Robin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. 

"Kali!" Eleven said as a girl came out from behind a tree. Eleven ran forward and gave her sister a hug. 

"Kali?" Charley said unsure. then she walked forward slowly towards Eight. 

"Oh my god Three?!" Kali said and hugged her other sister. 

"How did you find her?" Kali looked at Eleven. 

"Find who?" Eleven answered. Charley looked at Eleven, "You don't remember me?" 

"Why should i?" Eleven answered. 

"And thats why we need the vaccine to cure El before she looses any more memory." Johnathan said. 

they looked at the high fence in front of them. there was no way of climbing it. or getting around. it was also electric. 

"So did you think about this part of your plan?" Steve asked.

"Shut up Harrington we are working on it." Mike said. 

suddenly Kali walked forward and straight through the wiring. they all looked at her speechless. 

"What? are we not going any further? or are we just gonna stare at this fence?" she said.

"How did you do that?" Dustin asked. 

"I removed the physical part of it from my brain and walked straight through." 

"Oh i like this girl." Steve said to Robin and she rolled her eyes. 

"Shut up Dingus i'm trying to consume the fact that there are three superheroes in my life." Robin said and she heard Nancy stifle a laugh. 

Eleven suddenly walked forward with Charley and they both appeared on the other side with Kali. 

"Right everyone else. walk forward." Kali said. and blood began to drip from her nose. 

"Err the fence still looks pretty solid to me. and-" Steve faltered. the fence began to look rippley. and Steve suddenly just stepped through it. the fence turning to smoke around him. 

the others had done the same, all except Robin.

"Come on Robin what are you doing?" Dustin asked her. 

"The fence- it looks too real. i  don't wanna get electrocuted." Robin said rubbing her arm. 

"But we all did it." Will said. 

"I can't..." Robin replied and put her hands in the shorts of her Scoops Ahoy outfit and looked at the ground. 

"Robin..." Nancy was next to her. she had come back over, "Close your eyes." 

Robin did as she was told with one last reproachful look at Nancy.  she felt a warm comforting hand slide into hers and then she felt a cold tinge on her arms and legs. 

she opened her eyes. Nancy had helped her across and they had done it. 

they walked stealthily across the patch of grass that was between them and the giant building that held their fate.  

"okay. so there are security cameras everywhere. they have several different departments. one for training equipment on people with special abilities. another is an experimental thing with aliens. and theres one more which is the memory and human brain Lab. thats where we need to go." Kali explained. 

"I suggest we split up. and try and find the Lab. three groups. each group has either Eleven, Kali or Charley so if we find the lab they can communicate with each other." Steve said. 

"Okay umm... my group can be Mike, Will, Max and me." Eleven said confidently, "Is that okay?" 

the others nodded and Eleven formed her team.

"Okay thats team A. team B?" Steve asked. 

"Oh err i'll have...Nancy...ermm." Charley started. Robin grabbed Nancy's hand out of site of the others and she felt a reassuring squeeze. 

"Oh err you in the costume and you." Charley pointed at Robin and Johnathan. 

"that leaves me with idiot, bandana and Gappy." Kali pointed at Steve, Lucas and Dustin. 

"Okay lady if your gonna call us by nicknames please don't call me gappy." Dustin said. 

"Fine err who about shorty?" Kali asked. 

"Fine." Dustin smiled a gappy smile. 

"Okay are you sure you can make all of us invisible even if we're not together?" Robin asked. 

"As long i can keep in contact with Charley and Eleven, then yeah." Kali reassured. 

"Are we ready?" Nancy asked, dropping Robin's hand. 

"Yeah." Mike replied, looking at his sister. 

"Then lets go get Elevens memory." Nancy finished and they all disappeared into the building. 

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