Ch 9:The origins of Breaking 4

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15 years old Mizuki Pov

Izuku, my brothers, and I were running to school. When Izuku found out there was a Villain nearby, so we stopped nearby to watch.

Izuku:Wow. That is one huge supervillain.

The villain knocked down a crane. I knew if I used my quirk I would go to jail. In that moment one of the heroes showed up.

R Civilian 1:Nice. Way to go Deatharm.

Then someone made some do not cross thing.

???:Stay back everyone. This area is way to dangerous.

R Civilian 2:The rescue hero Fastracks is here. He'll make sure we're ok.

R Civilian 3:This guy must be desperate enough to go full monster in the middle of the city. You know what happened?

R Civilian 4:Just some amateur. Stole someone's bag and got himself cornered.

R Civilian 3:A quirk like that he's just a petty thief.

Izuku:Come on guys let's sneak to the front.


Geno:Alright. Even though I can't see.

Sapphire:Come here big bro. I'll help you with that.

Sapphire then puts Geno on his shoulders.


Sapphire:No problem.

We snuck up to the front.

Fan girls:Gah! He's here!

Izuku:Wow. It's Kamui Woods!

Mizuki:The newbie.

Sapphire:Heh. My aliens can do better.

Geno:Give him a chance Saph.

Sapphire:Ok. Alright.

Izuku:Yeah Saph after he maybe new, but he's making a huge name for himself.

Pedestrian:I see that dopey grin and I know what you are.


Pedestrian:A fan boy.


I continued watching the fight.

Woods:Assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil.

Izuku:There! His special move.

Pedestrian:Come on tree man show us something flashie!

Izuku:The Preemptive


Izuku and Woods:Lacquer chain Prison!

???:Canyon Cannon!

Everyone was in shock as a woman about the size of an average apartment building kicked the villain.

Sapphire:What a glory hog.

Geno:Calm down.

Almost every guy in the crowd:Money shot.(×5)


???:Piece of cake for the next hottest hero. Hi there everyone. I'm Mount Lady, and you don't have to worry about this bum anymore.

She winks at the crowd.

Perverts:Money Shot.(×2)

Mizuki:' Saph is right. She is a glory hog just because she thinks she's hot. '

World Breaking (bnha x Oc) (On hold)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora