Ch 11 (short):Training

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Mizuki Pov

We were at Takoba Municipal Beach waiting for All Might's successor.

Mizuki:So where are they?

Sapphire:Yeah. We've been here for ten minutes.

All Might then gets a phone call.

Geno:What's up big guy?

All Might:Apparently my successor is busy for the next few weeks.

I rolled my eyes and I'm sure Saph did as well. All Might sighs.

All Might:I guess I could put you guys under my training.

Mizuki:I'm game.




All Might:Alright. We need to clean up this beach before the entrance exam.



Geno:Clean up in isle 6.

Izuku chuckled and nodded.

I was floating in the air meditating while holding two fridges. I heard Sapphire switching between transformations every other minute destroying any kind scrap and trash. Geno was asleep in my lap. Izuku was beating the hell out of the scrap on the beach, then after three or five pieces of scrap he started to spar with Sapphire. After a few hours of training we went home.

(Timeskip a week brought to you by chibi Sapphire looking up at Geno)

We cleaned up the whole beach and then some. All Might's successor never came. I was kinda disappointed because I was excited to meet him.

All Might:You all are super strong to have this baby cleaned up in a week.

Sapphire:We would've had it cleaned up earlier if Mizuki didn't need to meditate while holding scrap.

Mizuki:Bite me.

Geno:Calm down you two.

Sapphire and Mizuki:Sorry.

All Might:Alright. Go on home and rest up. You have a big day tomorrow.



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