Papers, Passion, & Pornography...?

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I want to dedicate this chapter to all of my supportive readers, and those that message me daily. Enjoy. Sorry to those that missed chapter 14. I really hope it fixes soon.

Oh, and there's four chapters left...


What- what is that? Is that a ringtone? Ugh, shut it off! Where is it coming from anyways? That's not my ringtone.

Panicked, I wake up and look around me. I'm in the master bedroom, in bed with my Master, Chris. He's peacefully sleeping as his phone is ringing its ass off by the bedside table. I reach over and get it.

Incoming Call- Sabrina Howard

With a heavy sigh, I shake Chris awake. He groans and covers his ears with his hands like a child. I found that cute and adorable. He's so grouchy in the mornings.

"Wake up, she's calling you." I say, shaking him awake and a hint of disgust in my voice.

He groans again and uncovers his face.

"Who's calling?" He asks, groggily.

"Your wife." I say, bitterly. He snatches the phone from me and quickly answers.

"Hello?... Yeah... You are? Great! Now, hurry." He hangs up and gets up to grab an outfit from the closet.

I watch him go to his bathroom and begin to undress with the door open.

"What'd she say, if you don't mind my asking?" I say from the edge of the bed. He looks over at me as he slides off his underwear.

"She's on her way. Maybe you should go to your room. You wouldn't want to cause a scene, now would you?" He says, closing the door to the bathroom and making me feel like complete shit.

Why? We were so good last night. Since I hadn't started my period yet, for some odd reason, he decided to tie me up and take me from the back just like he imagined that one night.

Pissed, I stormed out of his bedroom and go to mine. I decide on taking a hot shower, and drown my sorrows away.

He seemed a little too excited to hear that she was coming. But why? Why is he still so in love with her after knowing she cheated? He's crazy!

Later that day, Sabrina arrived and I stayed in my bedroom, hiding from that wench. Until an idea popped into my head. I decided to dress sexy, in a tight black dress with a deep deep neck line, exposing the top of my bra, and short enough to get Chris hard within a second, with black heels and my hair straight. I wear red lipstick, and black eyeliner. Not too much.

I walked towards his study which was where they were talking at. I knock and wait for a response.

"Come in." Chris calls out. I open the door and they both turn their attention to me. I notice Chris stiffen, swallowing down hard as his eyes gazed at my body and especially at my chest. Sabrina sat in the chair across from him, glaring at me with disgust. She wanted to kill me. The feeling is mutual, bitch.

"Sir, I was about to head to the store and purchase a few items for the house. Would you like me to pick something up for you?" I ask, biting my lip the way that drives him wild.

He scratches the back of his neck and gulps down, hard. "Uh, um, no, Heather. I'm quite alright. Drive carefully, okay?" He says, earning a death glare from his wife.

"Yes, my sir. Excuse me." I wink and exit the room. As I closed the door, I pressed my ear against it and heard Sabrina going off.

"She is such a slut! Chris, please tell me why you still have this girl around knowing she just wants to get into your pants!"

Her Master, His Contemptress {Chris Motionless || Chris Cerulli} BDSM❤️Where stories live. Discover now