"The Only Thing I've Stolen Was Someone's Virginity!"

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Updating because I may not be on til next week and I was gonna update Friday but...not anymore. You're welcome ;)
And sorry if any spelling errors.

Days Later

Today is that witch's last day here and I couldn't be happier! She goes back to wherever she came from. Chris seems a bit calmer now that she leaves tomorrow morning. She tries to tell me what to do and to do things for her but I just pretend I can't hear her. She gets bitchy and starts telling Chris to fire me already but he just waves her off.

"Pierce!" Ah, shit. What the fuck does she want? "Chris! Both of you get in here!" I get up and walk to their bedroom, Chris comes out from his study giving me a puzzled look.

"What happened?" He asks me, I just shrug and push open the bedroom door.

She's trashing their bedroom as if searching for something. She growls, throwing a trashcan across the bedroom.

Chris pushes me back and rushes inside, "What's gotten into you?! Stop! What're you doing to our room?!" He asks, taking a box from her hand before she flings it across the room.

"She stole my necklace!" Sabrina points an accusing finger at me. "She stole my $2500 necklace, the one my parents bought me for our wedding day!" He gives me an extremely confused look.

"Heather...did you?" He asks, softly. Though, his eyes show me that he doesn't think I did.

I gap my lips in disbelief, "How could you possibly believe I did something like that? I haven't even walked into your bedroom since she arrived! I have never stolen anything in my life!" I defend myself as best as I can but Sabrina tries to tackle me. That is until Chris holds her back.

"Fire her! Get her out of here!"

"Stop! Sabrina, you're acting like a psycho! Stop!" He throws her onto the bed and towers over her.

She glares at me as I stand back against the wall by the door.

"Heather, I know you're not capable of stealing, I know you very well." He says, "Just let me talk to her alone, okay?" I nod but she screams.

"Look through her shit, Christopher! I bet you'll find it there!" She gets up and pushes past him and out the room. We follow her and she goes to my bedroom. She begins trashing my stuff just like she did theirs.

"My stuff!" I gasp, frozen in place.

Chris goes and stops her, "Quit acting like this, Sabrina! Please!" She opens my box where I keep my rings and necklaces and dumps them onto my bed.

She scatters them around and stops when she gets her hands on one that clearly doesn't belong to me. SHE PLANTED THAT THERE! SHE'S TRYING TO FRAME ME!

Sabrina shows it to Chris, Chris looking shocked at the fact it was even there.

"I told you!"

Chris stares at me in disbelief as tears start falling from my eyes. I don't like crying, but when someone makes me out be a thief and a liar, I get angry enough to shed a few tears.

"I- I swear, I didn't steal anything, Chris! She put that there! Please believe me, you know I don't care about materialistic shit! I don't own jewelry that expensive but I would never steal in order to have it! You know me, Chris! You know me so well, you know I would never--"

"I believe you," he breathes, closing his eyes. Sabrina slaps his cheek, causing him to turn from porcelain pale to scarlet red.

He believes me! He believes me!

Her Master, His Contemptress {Chris Motionless || Chris Cerulli} BDSM❤️Where stories live. Discover now