Beneath All The Pleasure All You Are Is Pain

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Last update for the week. Starting next week, ill post on Monday and Friday's only :)

And I just want to clear this up...When I say I'm 'deleting soon', I don't mean the story. I mean that A/N. Like I've said many times before, I finished this story before. All I have to do is edit and upload the chapters left. This will be a finished story. I really hope I explained myself clearly now :)


The Next Day

"You didn't say anything at the table this morning. Are you okay?" I take a seat in the chair in front of his desk as Chris sat, emotionless in his large chair. I don't know what caused his change in demeanor, but I surely didn't like it.

I don't get a response. Just silence. Chris grabs a folder and stands, going to get a glass and pouring Jack Daniels into it before walking over and handing it to me. I sip it and he hands me the folder.

"Take that to the office, give it to Raymond Gould. Come back and we'll talk." He says, sternly.

I nod, hesitantly. "Yes, sir. I'll be right back." He dismisses me and I leave.

About an hour later, I'm back in his chair and he's watching me, intently. I shy away under his stare.

"C-can I ask you something first, Sir?" I mutter, not meeting his gaze.


"What- what was that last night? The song, I mean. It was beautiful. Was it- was it your own?" I ask, watching his eyebrows furrow.

He clears his throat and nods. "Indeed, it was. I'm flattered you enjoyed it but, it cannot happen again." He says, bluntly.

My lips went agape, "But why?" I whisper.

"Don't ask me why because I won't answer you. Just know I can't be that way with you anymore. Let's just stick to the contract, okay?"




"No? Are you denying my orders, Miss Pierce?" He asks, gruffly.

"Why are you super sweet one day then the next you go and- and blow me off the way you do?!"

"I'm not blowing you off. And I don't appreciate your tone. I just--"

"Chris?" Sara appears at the door. "Sabrina's on the phone. She wants to talk to you, immediately." She says, nervously.

"Okay, I'll answer from this phone." He murmurs, motioning to the telephone on his desk.

Sara nods and leaves. I turn back to Chris, an obvious face of jealousy painted on me.

"Please leave, I have an important call to take."

I scoff, "Important? What could you possibly be discussing with that wench that's important?" I ask, my voice harsh.

"Go." He spits, glowering at me.

I growl and storm out, slamming the door to his study. I walk downstairs and see Sara in the kitchen having a snack. Her eyes spot me and she gives me a warm smile. I huff, slumping on a stool by the bar.

"I'm not so psyched she called either." She says. "Heather, dear, he really cares about you." She's just trying to ease my pain. Christmas is in two days and I bet your ass she's coming just like last holiday. Fuck, maybe that's why she's calling.

"She's coming for Christmas, isn't she?" I ask, pissy as fuck.

Sara sighs, "Not sure. Most likely. She comes and goes. You never know with Sabrina." I sigh and look down.

Her Master, His Contemptress {Chris Motionless || Chris Cerulli} BDSM❤️Where stories live. Discover now