Tips For Curling Your Hair

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I rarely want to do my hair. Especially in the winter, when it's so easy to throw a beanie on. Usually, I'll pull it up into a high ponytail and I'll be fine. But on those rare occasions that I do want to do my hair, I want to make it look good.

Curling your hair can be so easy and other times it can be so hard. I tend to burn the sides of my hands or my ears when I use a curling iron. But, I'll still do it. When I follow some of my steps.

Don't Wash Before Curling

It kinda sounds gross, but it makes the curls hold better because the oils in your hair will make your hair gritty which makes the curls hold better. I'd recommend like third-day hair or at the very least second-day hair. That way your hair is greasier and the curls will automatically hold better than if you washed your hair the same day.

Use A Product With Alcohol

It sounds weird and counter productive, but it's true. We've heard that hair products with alcohol are really bad and we shouldn't use them. But this is an exception. The alcohol, just like your hair oils, make your hair gritty because it gets rid of most moisture.

Use A Heat Protectant Product

Heat protectant products put a barrier between your hair and the heat. The extreme heat of a curling iron can ruin your hair. Despite the other products you use and your unwashed hair, you should still try to protect it when you're using extreme heat.

Use Hairspray

This is very important to hold the curls. You can use a little before, during, and after. That is my favorite way to do it. But remember that everyone's hair is different. So try whatever works for you and your hair.

Use A Good Styling Tool

It's so easy to just go to your local drugstore and pick up a curling iron. NO! Don't! Trust me, it's much better if you get a higher end curling iron. Yes, they're expensive but they're good quality. That's what you need. You want a curling iron that will make the curls hold and ones that will help protect your hair. Most drugstore curling irons are just metal. While the higher end ones have ceramic covering them which helps protect your hair from more damage. They heat up easier and evenly. Because of this you don't have to hold the heat on your hair for so long and then burn your hair or damage it further.

They also last for a lot longer than the cheap wands. So in the long run, they are worth it. So spend those extra few dollars (or pounds, or euros, or whatever you use wherever you are) and get the better curling wand.

Cool Down Your Curls

Weird sounding. No, don't stick your head into your freezer that's not what I'm saying to do. What you need to do is take your new curl and pin it up. Make sure it still has its spiral, and pin it up with a bobby pin. Then use that weird cooling button, that you didn't know the use until now, on your blow dryer and blow dry your pinned up curls for two to five minutes. When you're done, take the curls out and gently run your finger through the curls. But leave them much tighter than you'd like. The curls are gonna fall out over time, so try to keep them in the same shape for as long as possible.

Use Spray To Hold Your Curls

There's been a lot of spraying for this, but it's important for you to spray your curls after you're finished. Use texturizing, finishing, or volumizing spray to hold your hair in place. I prefer using finishing spray because it works best for me. But use whatever you find is the best to hold the curls.


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