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That night, Clay, Rosie, Hazel, Sawyer, and I set up a nest of blankets and mattresses a few feet away from Winter's pool. I sat quietly on my mattress in between Clay and Sawyer, picking at the loose threads on my blanket.

"Dr. Clay?" Sawyer asked.

"I think you can call me Clay now," Clay interrupted.

"Ok," Sawyer agreed.

"Do you think Winter remembers things? Like the ocean? Or her family?"

"It's really hard to say," Clay replied.

"They're pretty smart, you know. Some people think they're smarter than we are."

"Some people think dolphins are actual people," Rosie said, sitting up.

"Tell him the story," Hazel coaxed.

"Ok," Clay relented.

"In California...."

I flinched. Clay shot me a look but I forced a smile.

"The Chumash tribe has a legend," Clay continued.

"They believe that a long time ago, their goddess, Hutash, wanted everyone who lived on the islands to move to the mainland so she built them a bridge out of a rainbow. Everybody was excited to get to the mainland, the kids were jumping around, having a great time, dancing, singing- you know, being kids."

Rosie, Sawyer, and Hazel exchanged mischievous looks.

"Well, they fell off the rainbow, and they went tumbling down toward the sea. Well, their parents were just scared to death that Hutash was gonna be really mad at them and let their kids drown. But no. She took pity on them.... because she loved the way they played. So right at the moment when the children hit the water, she turned them into dolphins... So they could play forever."

Clay tossed something to Sawyer. It was a hand carved white stone dolphin, similar to the turtle that Hazel had, and the otter Rosie had. I gasped as I realized Sawyer's dolphin had no tail- like Winter.

"Wow.... Thanks," Sawyer said, his eyes full of gratitude. Clay grinned. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up quickly and ran out of the room.

"Cameron!" I heard Sawyer yell, but I didn't turn back. I didn't know where else to go, so I decided to go to Hazel's favorite spot. But when I arrived at the house, I saw the table. It was covered in overdue bills. I sunk down to my knees, covering my mouth and muffling my sobs.

"Cam, what's going on with you these days?"

I looked up and saw the worried face of Clay. I let out another sob.

"Oh Clay..."

He helped me stand and pulled me into a hug until my sobs subsided.

"I'm sorry Clay..." I whispered

"Why are you sorry?" he asked.


I pulled away from Clay.

"You know you can tell anything, right Cam?"

I cracked.

"I applied for a position at Monterey Bay Aquarium a few months ago. And... I just found out I passed."

Clay smiled widely.

"That's an amazing opportunity, Cameron!"

I started crying again.

"But I would have to leave Florida! Clearwater! Winter! Sawyer! Hazel! Probably Rosie! AND YOU!"

I let out another sob.

"I... I don't... I don't want to leave you, Clay..." I whispered, my voice cracking. Clay put a hand on my face, making me look at him. His brown eyes were filled with sincerity.


He kissed me. My lips moved against his, and I just for a moment, only a moment, forgot about all my problems.

"No," I said sharply, pushing away from him.

"I can't do this."

Clay looked at me, pain in his eyes.

"Cameron, I-"

"I can't do this to Lydia," I managed to say.

"Just... leave me alone."

And like a coward, I ran.

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