Chapter 7: Be as you are

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Mr Fabio held Yuma, Shark, Tori, Bronk and Rio back after the dress rehearsal, his face clearly stained from tears. He looked furious, but Shark doubted they were going to get punished. Tori and Bronk both rushed Yuma and did what Shark was desperate to do, but didn't because they didn't know, which was drown him in hugs. Instead he walked with Rio. 

"Can't breathe guys." Yuma said from the bottom of the dog pile, Mr Fabio watched, waiting patiently. Tori and Bronk got off of Yuma and helped him up.

"You should have told us how you felt." Tori complained still recovering from Yuma's emotional set list. Yuma felt a bubble of guilt. He hadn't thought the songs he had chosen would have gotten the reaction they did.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." Yuma apologised, still crying a little himself.

"No man, we're sorry," Bronk said hiding his face with his beefy arm, "we should have done more. We should have been more supportive. We should have acted like Shark and Vector."

"Bronk are you crying?" Yuma asked trying not to sound amused.

"No, I just got dust in my eyes." Bronk lied, then broke down sobbing as he rushed Yuma again, lifting him clean off the floor in a bear hug so tight Yuma's face turned red as he couldn't breathe. Shark stepped in before Yuma could turn blue.

"Let Yuma breathe." Shark said putting a hand on Bronk's arm. Bronk put Yuma down, and he gasped as the air returned to his lungs.

"I have," Mr Fabio finally spoke up looking severe, but ultimately not fooling any one, while Yuma was coughing air back into his lungs, Shark rubbing his back in circles trying to help, "seen or heard anything that beautiful in my career. Spectacular. Truly wonderful. Was that planned you five?"

Yuma could only shake his head.

"It just happened." Tori said, "Yuma's performance just ..." Tori could finish her explanation, and no one could pick up where the greenette had left of, lost for words also.

"No need to explain." Mr Fabio beamed at them, "You four were so empassioned by Yuma's heart felt performance that you all got swept up in the moment and had to reach out in support. Truly beautiful. Friendship at its strongest. Could you do it exactly like that again in the final Showcase tomorrow, from exactly the same place? I can see it now, just like this dress rehearsal, there won't be a dry eye in the house. You five could wow all the parents." 

By this point Mr Fabio had become so excited by the idea that he'd walked all the way to centre stage and flung his arms out wide. Shark was trying really, really hard not to laugh. Tori and Rio agreed without a second thought. Shark knew Rio would make him any way, but he was going to say yes to support Yuma any way. That left Bronk. Who also agreed because Rio smiled at him and his mind melted.

"Wonderful!" Mr Fabio clapped, "See you all at 5 tomorrow for last rehearsal."

The group of five walked together to recover their bags from the dance studio. Yuma, Tori, and Bronk didn't need to change since they were wearing normal clothes, while Rio and Shark had changed back into their school uniforms during the interval, so they all left the school grounds together.

"Told you so." Shark said to Yuma, drawing the group attention to his face, which had a knowing smirk on it.

"You told Yuma what?" Tori asked with a frown.

"That he would do great." Shark answered.

"I'd say he did better then great." Rio added, "He had everyone crying, and don't say you didn't, Reginald, because I saw some tears on your face." Shark glared at Rio as they all walked along the river front, long shadows being cast by the setting sun. 

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