Chapter 18: Barian world

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Upon hearing Yuma's decision the Barians decided to go to Barian world, a red skied, crystal like place. It was beautiful in its imperfection. This was so they could check the damage caused, and awaken Yuma's full power. Upon arrival all the Barians, apart from Shark, took their true forms. They had arrived in a small village, the buildings all made of the red crystals that made up the landscape. There was a strong military presence that was treating the injured, collecting the dead, and evacuating the living. The buildings had crumbled, but for the most part were intact.

One of the Barian army soldiers saw Yuma and the 7 Barian Emperors. He approached. He was indistinguishable from a human, as were all lower Barians, only the elite Barians, called Emperors had a second form.

"Emperor Nach." the soldier said bowing his head.

"Menous," Shark acknowledged the solider, "have you anything new to report?"

"Only that the evacuations are going well." Menous replied, his pale eyes looking at the other Barians, "I know you were worried about Iris, she was among the first to be evacuated to the palace."

"Thank you." Shark said a small relieved smile on his face.

"She's the little girl that looks like Rio, isn't she?" Yuma asked Shark, recalling one of Shark's memories that the Astral Key had once let him see. Yuma knew that Shark saw Rio's green haired doppelganger as family. Her safety meant as much to Shark as Yuma's and Rio's safety. Shark nodded, as Menous' attention was drawn to Yuma.

"It can't be." he gasped eyes widening.

"Can't be what?" Yuma asked feeling very self-conscious all of a sudden.

"We thought you were..." Menous started and trailed off, "...You are the exact image of Phantom."

"That's because he is." Vector snapped, clearly annoyed, "Soldiers, not always the brightest of the bunch. I'm going to get everything set up."

"Duman go with him." Shark ordered, "I don't Vector messing things up."

"Of course." Duman said, following Vector up a path that led to a palace in the not too far off distance.

"But how?" Menous asked, clearly proving Vector's point.

"Like me and Marin," Shark explained, using Rio's Barian name, "Phantom was reborn in the human world. We have returned to restore his full power."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Menous asked eagerly.

"Stay here, help guide the people to the relative safety of the palace." Shark answered, "Then prepare those that can fight, to fight if Astral world bypass Earth and invade us."

"Yes sir." Menous said, marching off to fulfil his orders. Shark then started to lead the now group of six up the winding path. He took Yuma's hand in his.

"Shark, why aren't you in your Barian form, like the others?" Yuma asked half way up the path, voicing a question that had been eating at him since they had arrived in Barian world. Shark stayed silent and Yuma thought he saw a nervous almost hesitant glimmer in his eyes.

"He's scared of how you'll react." Rio finally answered for her brother, "He told me so about a month ago." Yuma stopped walking. So did the rest, and something in how Yuma was hanging his head told Shark, it was best if they discussed this alone.

"Rio, Alito, Mizar, Girag," Shark said, "go on ahead. I am sure Duman will need your help right now. Vector is a handful after all."

"Ok. Take your time." Rio said as she and the others left Shark alone with Yuma.

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