Chapter 6

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I wake up and feel myself tied to a chair i cannot see so i assume i am blindfolded. I then take notice I am completely naked. I start to pull on the chains that hold me down only to hear from a scratchy deep voice ''oh goodie, my little pet has finally woken up. I was wondering how long you were going to sleep. So... what is you name little cutie?''

''Who are you and what do you want?'' I spit out as I begin to fight with the chains and ropes.


''Ah...Ah...Ah... no trying to run away little pet'' the scratchy voice said before I heard a door open. ''Ah. She's awake. So when does the fun begin? I cant wait to take her.'' Said a new deep husky voice while feeling a hand begin to grope my breasts. "As soon as you want! We need all the pups from her power." said the scratchy voice as it trailed away, the door shut. "So where do we begin" Said the deep voice. I start trying to get out of these chains again until I felt a hand on my face and I bit down hard. I felt the veins pop and the bones crack.


I felt my body completely relax. I tried to move but felt I could not. I began to tear up as I started to finally get scared. I felt hands slowly move down my back to my butt and pulled me from the chair to the floor and my butt was pulled into the air. I felt hand going lower and something else I began to cry when I felt it intrude into my body over and over again.

Katsuki POV

Its been 4 days sense I have heard or seen Angel. Every one of the knights are on the look out for her checking every house and every corner they can find. We did not know who might have taken my love but my alpha is beginning to become depressed. I have began to cry myself to sleep every night. I have not left Harus side as this must be hard not knowing where her mother is. 

It has now been 6 months sense the kidnapping I have began to go insane. I have been yelling and cussing every maid and workers I come across over almost no reason.

Your POV

I do not know how long it has been, but I have been nonstop raped. It seems like it has been 4 times a day but I dont know anymore the only light I get is from a little crack in the wal and the tiny candle I was given. I only get to eat very little maybe around 3 times a week and it seems like they are trying to get my pregnant with a pup. How would I carry a pup in these conditions

2 months later

Katsuki POV

I am sitting on my throne trying to think of who would have taken her. Haru is playing with round face infront of me. she continues to tell my she misses her mommy. I do not blame her. Suddenly I hear commotion outside the door and the door busts open. ''We found her !!" Said shitty hair. I stood up and ran as fast as I could to the infirmary I knew she had to be in ther after all these months.

Denki Kaminari POV

I was walking through the forest but an abandoned part of it when I cam across this abandoned cabin. Half of it was collapsed while half standing. the roof was caved in all around. I walked up to it and seen a storm shelter so I opened the door for a peek and her crying. I began walking down the stairs and lit a nearby candle and that when I seen it. Angel. Tied up with chain, beaten, staved and naked. I took off my coat and ran to her she flinched but said nothing. ''Angel lets get you out of here and back home to see the king and your daughter. They are really missing you'' I whispered incase someone was near. She turned around and then I noticed she was blindfolded. I took of the chains, rope and blindfolds and picked her up bridal style and ran. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. She needed help. and alot of it and fast. 

Your POV

I find out Kaminari had found me. I was so scared but happy at the same time. I knew he would not hurt me but I was still scared I cannot wait to get home I wonder How long I was gone for. We arrived to the castle in a few hours time and I am sitting in the infirmary with doctors all around when I here it the voice I was longing for, Katsukis voice.


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