Chapter 7

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Katsukis POV

I was running down the hallways as fast as I could. I seen the door to the infirmary and while busting it open the i seen the doctor. "Please be careful with her she is scare and been through a lot" He said. I ran to the door for her room and busted it open. "Angel." She looked at me so scared but relieved too. I ran up to her and she hoped out of the bed and jumped into my arms. Oh how I missed her scent. She smelled of flowers with a tough of lemon, it was magical. 

She was so tiny. She must have been starved. I picked her up bridal style and laid her on the bed. I took at step back and finally took a good look at her. She was skinny indeed, covered in bite marks, bruises, burns, cuts and scrapes. I walked back up to her and hugged her again. I put my nose into her neck. I was so happy i could finally smell her again. I had to scent her, so I did. With my caramel and woodland scent mixed with her flower and lemon scent she smelled like flowers and candies and a hint of ash. While scenting her she did someone so surprising I began to cry. She began to purr.

Your POV

I was so happy I was back. After jumping into his arms he sat my back on the bed. He then began to rub up against me and it felt so good and I was so happy that I began to purr. I was so shocked I could purr but no matter what I did I couldn't stop it so I hugged him back. 

''Can I ask you something.'' He looked at me while I finished ''I want to be yours. I want to be marked. I had plenty of time to think about it and I want to be yours. Please'' He looked at me in shock, but with the biggest smile. I didnt know how it worked but I wanted to be his. No matter the cost. "When is your next heat?" He whispered into me her as he then nibbled my ear. "In a few days." That was all it took, he began to cry.

"Mommy..." I heard in a whisper.

Harus POV

I ran so fast following Katsuki, I ended up losing sight of him and after asking where mommy was I finally found the right door. I slowly walked in. While pushing the door open "mommy?" I whispered. She looked over to me and signaled for me to come to her so I ran arms open as fast as I could and jumped on her I was so happy to see my mommy. She then pushed me back a litte and asked "Haru, Would you like to be a princess soon?" I nodded my head so fast I got dizzy. I jumped off of mommy and ran in circles yelling "I'm going to be a real princess!"

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