Chapter 12

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I woke up to a head ache. Katsuki was in a meeting while I was laying in bed recovering from our week of mating while in heat. It was terrible, the pain from the heat was the worst I have ever experienced. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom for the first time today. After relieving myself I went to wash my hands and looked into the mirror for the first time. I wasn't wearing any clothes beside a pelt like cloak. I noticed the mate mark on my neck. I was actually happy. I thought about how my life in the other world would still be incredibly boring. Im so glad I found that weird rock. 

I went to go to put clothes on when I heard a battle horn in the distance. I knew what that means. I threw on clothes quickly and ran out the bedroom door. The guards looked at me as soon as the door swung open. 

"My queen we need to go. Now." demanded the one on the left. I grabbed his hand and we ran. I ran passed many door and through many hallways until we went out the back of the castle. The guard transformed into a dragon. A solid black dragon. "queen get on" said the other guard who accompanied us. I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. He helped me get onto the dragons back with ease. "Queen please hold on tight. Lean down onto him and hug him. Its like a horse but bigger." he yelled once I finally got onto it and seated. I held on as the dragon took off. we were in the air in seconds.

I looked around we were under attack. I seen Katsuki in the distance, in his beautiful ruby red dragon form. I could tell it was him because of how much larger he was. It looked like he was struggling. "Katsuki! Hey take me to him now! I don't care if he gets mad he needs my help. Now hurry! Its an order from your queen!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The dragon simply turned around and headed to the front of the battle. 

"Hey" I screamed and everyone stopped. I don't know why but it was slightly creepy. We landed and I slid off the dragon. He transformed into the guard once again.

"Sero you idiot, why did you bring her here. They want her" Katsuki yelled in his dragon form. I simply shook my head no. "I will not be fought over Kats!" I demanded, "Why do you want me tell me why and I may help you out, I do not like this blood shed over me." 

A nearby light blueish-grey dragon landed and transformed into a skinny man covered in scars his skin looked so dry. He looked at me, "I would like for you to come with us and we will leave no more blood shed, even if it is fun. I want you to become my mate. I heard you are the only queen omega there is. I want you on our side." He demanded

"Why would I go with you if I already have a mate? I am going no where. Even if I have to die" I spit out. I walked forward toward him and he stepped back. I managed to stop about ten feet in front of him. I figured it was close enough. "I will never go with you. I would never leave Katsuki for anyone. Even if I did have to learn how to live in this new world. I would die for him. If you know about my form why are you scared? Do I scare you?" 

After I spoke those words everyone freezes on his side. I think I may have struck a nerve. Even if I did, after what I have been told by Katsuki, I learned I have an even bigger form than the one from before. I was only three quarters the size of my true form. I felt the ground move and seen out of the corner of my eye Katsuki walking over to me. He slowly leaned his head into me. "Please go. I can end this battle fast. I want you gone. Go to safety. I will find you love. You have the bracelet I gave you. Its a tracking device. Please go." he whispered as he tried to gently push my away. I ended up swatting him away from me as I was mad. 

"Look I don't know why you want me and I really don't care. I really feel like killing someone today. I have never felt like this before and if I have to, I will." I spit out. The scrawny grey haired guy just looked at me and transformed back into his dragon. He charged after me. My eyes widen in fear once I seen Katsuki attacking the guy, everyone else was still frozen. Afraid to move. I thought in the deepest part of my body like before when I transformed I felt everything. I begin to feel my bones breaking and growing.

Everyone watched as I grew into my form in shock. I was three times the size I was before. I was now much much bigger than Katsukis dragon form. 

Bakugous POV

I turned and seen Angel just in time. She transformed into her true form. She was huge. Much bigger than me. I was actually quite frighten at first, but then realized she was truly mad. She was now huge, 38 feet tall. Long canines came out of her fox like head. She still had the body of a wolf and a very long tail. She had dark purple making a stripe down the middle of her back from her ears to the tip of her tail. She had a glow around her in the slight color of purple as well. She was beautiful.

3rd person POV

All eyes were on Angel as she transformed. The aura surround the hybrid was of murderous hate. She was indeed mad beyond word. She did not like the battle and blood she was witnessing because of her. Everyone began to back away from her as of fear of dying. They knew the power of a 'Dominant Queen Omega' from history. There have only been five to ever walk the land. They were treated as gods that turned into demons.

In history, the last queen omegas went to battle for their entire kingdoms. Some wanted to be the rulers, only to soon die at the hands of there very own alpha. It was told the only way to kill one, is for their alpha - their own mate, to kill them when the time came. To pierce the emerald surface of their true form. To cut out the emerald within. They all began being thirsty for blood, they began killing. Not for battle, but for fun. 

Your POV 

I seen how the grey dragon stopped to look at me I took the opportunity to charge at him, with the intent to kill. I did care anymore. No one attacked Katsuki while I was around. The dragon flew to the sky and I felt like if I could run and jump I could reach him just enough to sink my teeth into. I felt something come out of my back and looked and seen solid white wings. Like a bird. It felt so weird to know I had wings, so I gave a few test flaps to see how they worked. I got to hang of them quickly. So I took off.

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