Chapter 14

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Bakugous POV

I am flying as fast as I can to see if the familiar howl was of the one person I was hoping it would be. I flew until I got to the middle of the forest then landed. It was quite. A little too quite. It was eerie with how quite it was. Not even the buzz of a bee or the sound of a stream. Why was it so quite. I looked around and decided to howl and see if I hear anything in return. 

After a few minutes I began walking in a random direction that felt was calling me. I howled again and waited for an answer. Still nothing. 

That is when I smelled it. The metallic scent of blood. I ran into the direction of the smell. Upon stopping by a large tree I seen a figure laying on the ground. I slowly approached hoping it wasn't my mate. Gone. Killed. Dead. 

The closer I got the more I could tell. It was her. Blood was all around her. In a large pool. Slowly my step began to feel like I was being pulled to the center of the earth. Each step heavier, the closer I got. She was curled up against a smaller tree. I could tell, she had to have been gone. There was just too much blood for her not to be.

I dropped down beside her and pulled her into my lap. I screamed. I screamed so hard my voice cracked. My mate was gone. I didnt know what to do. We didnt even get to start our life together and someone took that away. I pulled out my wings, picked her up. One arm under her legs and one behind her back and took to the sky. I flew as fast as I could to the castle. I had to make it in time. I just had too. 'She has to be alive, please' I thought. 

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