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Keila POV

"Well Ms, you seem to be pregnant, Congratulations."

Everything froze for me right there. Pregnant? In the middle of a crazy thing of a war that my husband is fighting in? No. No, that can't be right! I can't be!

"Ms?" , the doctor asked, confusion in her eyes. I snapped back into reality and look at the Dr.

"Are you sure?" , I asked, voice shaking as if I'm begging for this to not be true.

"I believe so" , they said, so certain that they just couldn't be lying meaning it was true. I was gonna become a mother wether I like it or not.

"Thank you" I said quietly, just a bit above a whisper. I get my things and go home with my thoughts running.

How was I gonna tell Sonic was my main question. How would he react to such news in a event like this? It was madness all around and more area would slowly be destroyed and unsafe. How will he be able to handle this at a time like this. We did want children but it was obviously a terrible time to try and have a child! I then hear the door open and hear someone calling for me. I slowly go down the stairs and there he was, the blue blur. 

Sonic noticed me and smiled. "Hey sweetie, how was your day?", he asked warmly with a hint of tiredness and stress. I forced myself to stay calm, not wanting to stress and worry him more than he has to. I can't tell him about the baby now, he already has enough on his plate.

I took a small breath and replied, "Just normal for me as usually".

He smiled again and went to kiss my forehead. This war was really a bother, Eggman clearly done it this time, losing control of the situation which started this. No one knows what he was trying to do and we may never know as he has left and leave nothing behind other than a bunch of old, broken robots. Suddenly, a sickly feeling in my stomach gave me the idea something bad was gonna happen.

"Sonic?", I whisper to him.

"What's wrong?", he asked with concern in his voice. I don't want to worry him more but if I don't who knows what will happen.

"I think-", I couldn't even tell him anymore than those two words before we heard bombing sounds and people screaming and panicking. Oh life loved to be cruel.

Sonic picked me up bridal style and rushed us outside to to see damaged houses and a lot of smoke. He started yelling for people to get to the shelter for safety and rushed to get me there. Whoever was doing this must have seen him cause a bomb was dropped ahead of us and he couldn't stop in time. We were both thrown back with me going a bit further but I landed on someone.

"Damn bitch, you went further"

I knew who that was immediately and got off them. It was Bridget Bunny.

(what she looks like)

(what she looks like)

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(has a braid in the back)

"Bridget, are you okay?! I didn't mean to land on you!" I said, concern in my voice which then leads me to remember Sonic.

"Honey, I'm fine but are you-", I cut her off, immediately running towards where Sonic was but she grabbed me by the arm, tightly.

"LET ME GO!", I scream at her, desperate to get to my husband, my child's father! 

Bridget shook her head fast before saying, "I don't think that is a good idea, Keila. you are endangering yourself and we don't want that". 

Someone then came near us, it was Sonic. he groaned before saying, firmly, "Get her out of here".

Bridget nodded and started to run while dragging me. I kept trying to run back but she kept pulling me with her.

"Look, I know you love him but we gotta go bitch!" she screamed at me but I continue to struggle.

"It's not just that!" I yelled, "I need to tell him something!"

"And what might that be?!", She questioned.

"I'm having his kid"! Just as I say that, another bomb is put in Sonic's path and exploads, him screaming in pain. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I cry out, pain overwhealming me as I just hear his screams. I drop to my knees while Bridget holds me. 

"Oh my. Keila, I'm so sorry", she says sadly. We are on the ground for just a few seconds before she gets up and says in a strong voice, "We gotta go K."

She lifts me up and drags my crying self away. 

"Wouldn't Sonic want you AND the baby safe?", she questions which then I put into thought. He definitely would want me and our baby safe. I want my baby safe.

I wipe my tears and say dully, "Let's go, for him and the baby"

There we run, then we drive and I cried more. 

If only I knew what was to come right after

Finally I'm done! get ready yall for MADNESS! 



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