Chapter 7: Missed me?

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I had just dropped off Sky at my parents and now I am heading off to see some of my friends then after that I'm going to see Sonic. First, I'm going to see Amy and Shadow. I got to their place, parked the car and got out. I walk to the door where it was opened and I was instantly caught in a hug.

"Keila!", Amy cried out as she had me in a tight ass hug that I was losing air from.

"C-can't breath", I let out which made her let me go in an instant.

"S-sorry, I just missed you", she admitted before grabbing my hands and led me to a nice looking  living room area where two kids were sitting and watching TV. They immediately turned around hearing Amy. 

"Maria and Shade", she introduced excitedly. The kids had blank stares on their faces like Shadow. Yep, these were his kids.

"Hey", they said at the same before turning their attention back to the TV. I turned towards Amy.

"Those are definitely Shadow's kids", I told her before laughing. She laugh along with me.

"Just like how Sky said they would be", I told her. Her eyes widen.

"Sky was yours? No wonder his eyes were so familiar!", she exclaimed before laughing again. Well, Sky mentioned them saying something about his eyes. We talked for a couple minutes more before we heard a door open. We hear Maria and Shade say hi dad, so that meant Shadow was home. Amy wasted no damn time to run to her husband. I could hear her squeals from the kitchen, just telling Shadow that an old friend has returned. Finally, Shadow came into the kitchen and stopped seeing me. 

"Hey~", I said, actually happy to see him.

"Y-you're back?", he asked in shock.

"Yep! What, you missed me?", I teased him. He scoffed.

"As if", he responded.

"You jerk!", I said while laughing. So we spent over an hour talking and catching up. Eventually, I decided to go and vist Knuckles and Rouge.

"This better not be the last I see you again in awhile!", Amy yelled as I was getting in my car.

"I promise you'll see me often!", I yelled back at her. She and Shadow laugh and wave goodbye to me. I drove off and found Angle Island. I flew up and there was a small red echinda with teal eyes and a small white bat with purple eyes playing around with Knuckles just by the ME(Master Emerald). The echinda noticed me instantly and immediately called for Kunckles who was clearly his dad. Knuckles stopped realizing it was me and ran down and gave me a big ass hug. 

"You're back! You're back!", Knuckles said over and over happily. He then called for Rouge with his kids confused as hell. He then quickly noticed that.

"Locke, Jewel! This is me and your mother's very good friend, Keila", he explained to Locke and Jewel. 

"I heard a lot about Locke from Sky", I told them. That caught Locke's attention greatly.

"Are you his mom?", he asked.

"Yes, I am", I told him. Rouge finally came and tackled me to the ground with a hug.

"You're back girl! And you better be staying!", Rouge squealed. I laugh.

"Don't worry, I am staying and yes, Sky is my kid.", I let her know. Again, we talked for awhile and catched up before I decided to go.

"Call me so we with the girls can have a girl night!", Rouge yelled as I was leaving.

"I will!", I replied to her laughing before heading off to Sliver and Blaze's place. Once I arrived, I knocked on the door. Through the door, I saw a white hedgehog with yellow eyes like gold. She called out to someone who instantly came to the door and opened it. Blaze looked at me in shock.

"Hey, you missed me?", I asked jokingly. 

"Oh my gosh, Keila!", Blaze cried before hugging me. Stella hid behind the door.

"You must be Stella. You with Miles are the number one friends he talks about often", I tell her. She gets out from behind the door.

"Sky?", she questions.

"I'm his mom. He was right about you being very pretty", I tell her. She blushes heavily. Blaze said Sliver was inside so I immediately went inside. We went into the kitchen and there was Sliver cooking. Sliver turns and sees me and stops.

"Missed me, bestie!", I said, somewhat awkwardly. Sliver said nothing but rush to me and giving me a big hug.

"Hell the fuck yes", he responded which made me and Blaze laugh. Stella came in.

"Did you know she was Sky's mom?", she asked Sliver.

"No wonder his eyes were familiar!", he exclaimed. Like the other times, I stayed awhile and we talked and catched up. But this time, their kid was part of the conversation for a good time. But then I saw how late it was becoming and I told Bridget and Sky that I was going to see Sonic. Before I got in my car, I promised that I wasn't gonna leave again and that we would soon have a girl night. I drove off to Tails' and Cream's place. Once I got there, I saw Tails, Cream and who was probably Miles but no Sonic. I got out of the car and called to them. They instantly noticed me and came over.

"Keila!", Cream cried out once she realized it was me. She and Tails gave me a big hug. Miles ran over to see who I was.

"Is this Miles? I heard about him from Sky", I asked/told them.

"No wonder I kept thinking of you everytime I saw his eyes!", Cream exclaimed. Miles' eyes sparkled and was very happy to meet me. We talked for a bit until we heard another voice, Sonic's voice.

"Hey guys, I'm ba-", he started before he stopped suddenly, seeing me. Tears immediately came into my eyes. The hedgehog I thought I lost was here in front of me, very alive. 

"K-keila?", he asked, shocked to see me.

I sniffled a bit before saying:

Missed me?

 Yay! We finally see them meet each other but I gave a cliffhanger hehehe >:3 STAY TUNED HAHAHA.


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