Chapter 6: Who is Sonic?/He's Alive?

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We had just gotten home and mama was there! I ran to her and gave her a big hug and told her I had a lot to tell her. She smiled and nodded and Auntie left. I told her about my friends and their familes, she looked really interested and said something about them looking really fimiliar. Then I told her about Sonic. She stopped and stared off like she did when I asked her about dad.

"Ma?", I said, wondering if she was okay. She seemed to snap back hearing me.

"Sky, finish your food then go to your room please. I need to call Auntie", she told me. I was confused but did what she was told. I quickly finished my food then went to my room, wondering what was going on with mama. Did she know Sonic? Who even is he to her? I decided that I should just play and forget about what happened.


H-he's alive? Alive? And I didn't fucking know?! I instantly ring up Bridget, she has explaining to do! After awhile, she finally answers. 

"Yeah KK?", she asks.

"Is Sonic alive?", I asked in a low tone, hoping Sky wasn't listening.

"Keila, you good girl?", she asked.

"Is he alive!?", I asked once more, raising my voice a bit.

".......Yes.....", she finally answers me.

"Why didn't you say anything!", I yelled, tears ready to stream down my face.

"Do you know how crazy I went the first few months of raising Sky without him!?", I yelled more, the tears finally running down.

"Do you know how crazy the others went when you left without saying anything? Do you know how heartbroken Sonic was when he got his memory back and found out you were gone? I said nothing because you wouldn't listen and your mental state was shit.", she barked back at me while eventually answering my question. Lost his memory? He got caught in a bomb and lost his memory?

"I-i can't face him now", I told her. He wouldn't react well and I won't either.


"Stop being selfish and whiny. Think about Sky.", She told me, calming down. She's right. I can't be selfish anymore. Sky needs his dad. Sonic's love and care. If he hates me, he hates me but just let him be in Sky's life.

"Where does he live?", I asked her. I can't go now but maybe tomorrow.

"He's staying with Tails and Cream and their son, Miles. Him and Sky are best friends, remind ya of something?", she told me. Oh Sky is best friends with Miles like Sonic and Tails. Bridget proceeded to tell me the address and I wrote it down. I thanked her and hung up. My husband was alive. Sky was gonna have his dad. I walked around and found a scrapbook, my scrapbook. I took it out of it's place and looked through it, more specifically, the photos with Sonic and our friends. There were our crazy ones, funny ones, sad ones, ect. . But they were all memorable. I turned a page and there was me and Sonic on our wedding. We were so happy that we were united as one now. I smiled, so many good memorises.

"Who's that?", a voice asked. I knew it was Sky. I have to tell him that his father is still here. 

"That looks like Sonic", he states.

"It's your dad and me on our wedding day", I told him, my voice still a bit hoarse from my crying and yelling.

"What?", he asks confused.

"Come here, I just found something out", I told him, opening my arms so he could cuddle close. 

"Mama, what's going on?", he asked, the confusion and curiousity still in his voice.

"I found that your dad isn't actually dead, he was alive and looking for us", I said to him, hoping he wouldn't react bad.

"Sonic is dad?!", he asked in shock, knowing just earlier today, he met him.

"Yeah, I am going to drop you off with abuelo and abuela tomorrow so I could talk to him, okay?", I informed him.

"Okay", he said without question.

I then hugged him tightly, I don't know what I would do without Sky these last few years.

"I love you so much", I let him know, tears were coming into my eyes.

"I love you too mama", he told me, finally returing the hug. I smiled to myself, knowing I was blessed with this child. One thing was on my mind now:

I'm going to see you again



"Huh, so it's true, the kitty returns and with a smaller version of that blue idiot", a voice said, hiding in the shadows.

"It would be a shame if something happened to the kid", they said while smirking evilly. They stepped out of the shadows and it was revealed to be.............Scourge the Hedgehog.

"Watch out Sonic, the king is here to take his bride", Scourge said to no one in particular before giving a small laugh that yet managed to echo through the dark rising of the night



Huh? Why did I just get a bad feeling? Ya know, meeting Sky just gave me this urge to protect him. I don't know why. It doesn't help everytime I look into his eyes, I see Her. I now have another feeling that something will happen tomorrow. So many feelings, so many unknown reasons. Well.......

We'll just have to wait and see

It's so much easier to update this than "My Inventing Fox". if you didn't know, that book is on a hold. I have more motivation for this book than my other one but I won't discontinue it. Hope you enjoyed this and sorry if it seems short or something. 


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