Sixth Victim: Sakusa Kiyoomi

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Sakusa babe is here!! he might be a bit ooc, sorry~


Sakusa Kiyoomi did not know how to deal with emotions. They merely weren't necessary, and he never really felt the need to delve into them either. But all that changed when this blue-eyed crow came crashing into his heart.

"I mean, you're way more normal than what I'd imagined you'd be like, so far."

Normal. Sakusa was anything but normal! Especially at volleyball! He was the number one ace of the country, damn it! How was that normal? The audacity!

Thoughts on Kageyama - first impression: Ruined. Aggravating little shi-

Sakusa did not particularly hate the boy, per say, he just disliked Kageyama. Ok, so disliking the boy because he called him normal was not a good reason...but! Being called normal just aggravated Sakusa to no extent. It did a number on his pride. But when Kageyama came up to him and asked Sakusa what kind of set he wanted, it surprised him. He refused to tell though, mostly out of pettiness. But the brat was persistent to the point it got annoying, so he gave in begrudgingly. He was sure it was just going to be another boring and simple game, in the end.

He had fun.

He had to admit, Kageyama was an excellent and talented player. He was precise and calculating during games. He was always there behind you for support, whether you needed it or not. Kageyama was magnificent during a game, he reluctantly admits. Not to mention his presence that screamed victory and power. He could kind of see now why Wakatoshi-kun lost. But according to Kageyama, it was because of his team as a whole. He only played a miniscule part in the victory. Kageyama was humble, something Sakusa could appreciate.

Thoughts on Kageyama - second impression and volleyball: Slightly better. Kageyama was a genius at setting and riling him up in a game. It was accelerating.

Days went by and it seemed that Atsumu, Hoshiumi, Kageyama, him and company had formed a group (they mostly revolved around Kageyama though). They were always seen together, and when they weren't, they were at least with someone from the group. They constantly played and practiced together to the point where they knew each other's habits and dislikes. But the one person to pay attention to them the most was Kageyama. The blue-eyed raven beauty always seemed to stare at them, always trying to find something new so he would know exactly how to act around and please them (as if scared they would leave if he didn't. They wouldn't though. That was just stupid). He was always being considerate, but remaining true to his blunt self. For example, the moment Kageyama found out about Sakusa being cautious around germs (he was not germaphobic Atsumu, you germ, just cautious ), the setter immediately tried to adjust to the knowledge. He tried not to touch Sakusa too much, and always respected his boundaries. He always tried to remain clean when he was around the taller boy's presence and had even helped him clean the gym (and Atsumu). He really appreciated that.

Thoughts on Kageyama - appreciation and friendship: Kageyama knew boundaries and was respectful, even if a bit blunt. By friendship standard, they were friends and an average pair too.

Because they spent so much time together, it seemed like his eyes and thoughts always wandered to Kageyama. The moment he woke up, he always tried to find Kageyama in the cafeteria, first, so they could eat together. The moment he stepped into the gym, his eyes could and would easily find the younger ravenette practicing. The moment they played, he was always satisfied since Kageyama was always by his side. The moment he slept, he always saw Kageyama in his dream, always smiling at him. And he did not fucking understand why . There wasn't anything that special about Kageyama for him to so constantly stain Sakusa's mind (that was a lie).

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