Thirteenth Victim: Suna Rintarou

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haha! I've come back with an update!
hehe, this time's it's Suna, as you can probably tell from the title.
anyway, i really liked what i did for the ending. Also, sorry, he may be a bit ooc. I didn't know how to capture this man correctly even after the amount of SunaKage fics i've read.
and did I make Suna kinda subtly bash I didn't-

So enjoy!


Suna didn’t really expect much from Kageyama, nor did he expect for him to ever get interested. He also didn’t expect for him to be one of the many that fell for him either, but the world had other plans. Oh well. 

The first time he heard of Kageyama? Atsumu. That annoying little shit could not shut his mouth up about “Tobio-kun".

And how “Tobio-kun was so good but I’ll definitely beat him.”

In addition, “Tobio-kun is so awkward but I guess that makes him cute.”

With, "Tobio-kun totally respects me. You can see it in his eyes. They're so pretty and show all his emotions and-"

The list goes on and on and on. Atsumu talks about this “Tobio-kun” on a daily basis, ever since he had gotten back from whatever training camp he met him at. Anyways, with how much Kageyama’s name came up, of course Suna got interested in him. So he did some brief researching, because why not? The few videos of the games Kageyama did play on were impressive, but enough to spur Atsumu on that much? What was it about Kageyama then?

It was right after that, that Osamu started talking about this “Tobio". Great, now the only twin left, the one he could actually stand, was also hooked on this boy. So mark Suna even more curious. Just what was it about Kageyama then entranced the infamous Miya twins?

Then they met at the Spring Tournament, and everything made sense.

Physically, Kageyama was out of this world. Yes, he saw videos of him online, but those cameras could never properly catch his beauty. Kageyama in real life was completely ethereal. And those sapphire eyes only proved him correct further. When he and Kageyama first made eye contact, from across the court, Suna could feel his breath be stolen away from him. Those eyes, although they were a deeper shade of blue, they still shone so bright and intense. They shone with determination, with confidence, with power.

And when they played? From the videos he watched, he was impressed. Kageyama's presence itself was great. His tosses and serves were also great. They assertive and forceful yet supportive and calculative. They could both lead a team to victory and be in the background just helping. But what really caught him, what really made him fall, was his blocking. It terrified him to the core and sent shivers up and down his spine, all the way to the back of his neck. It made the hairs on his body stand. But, they were the good kind of shivers.

Watching Kageyama rush (incredibly fast, might he add) to block some of his attacks with the blondie made him shiver.

Watching Kageyama block Aran, their superpowered ace’s attack and successfully shutting him down made him tremble. 

And then watching him be able to block (granted with Karasuno’s #10 beside him) the Miya twin’s quick attack, earning Karasuno a victory on the mark at the end made him shudder.

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