Eleventh Victim: Kindaichi Yuutarou

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SHEESH the amount of angst in this-
but honestly, i had so much fun with this chapter and kin's and kag's dynamic, so this became a little bit longer than the others haha
also, that's all the updates i have for today, sorry. You're going to have to wait a more for the next chapter (fun fact: i wrote all three chapters in one day and i'm so tired :'))

also, i kinda made kindaichi a little...weird? idk how to say it but like he likes kag's crying face so...
and i didn't know when they met, so i put in my own hc that they met in elementary, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong


Kindaichi despised Kageyama. He hated Kageyama to his very bones, and yet...and yet… Kindaichi also desired him. Kindaichi also wanted him back, in his arms, by his side.

When they first met, as kids at the public elementary, Kindaichi just thought the boy was intriguing. He was so bluntly shy. So passionate about volleyball. Kindaichi immediately friended him.

When they entered junior high, they friended Kunimi. And then they joined the volleyball team. Those days had been the happiest, with Kageyama and Kunimi at his side. Then, things just changed.

Oikawa, Iwazumi, and every third year graduated, and they moved up a grade. Then Kageyama just...changed. He no longer hung out with Kunimi and him. He never smiled or laughed with them anymore. He never played volleyball like he did before. Second year came, and suddenly, Kageyama wasn’t the boy Kindaichi knew anymore. Kageyama became more prone to snap. Kageyama became distant in their friendship. Kageyama became more harsh in volleyball. After time, the ravenette became the vice-captain of the team, but things just got more harsh. Kageyama pushed and pushed everyone in the team to the point most of them wanted to quit. And Kindaichi just couldn’t understand why? Why did Kageyama suddenly just become...a tyrant? Where was the Kageyam he friended? The Kageyama that enjoyed every single moment they shared together? The Kageyama that held a volleyball like it was one of the most precious thing in the world? Where did his Kageyama go? The worry and concern only turned into hate and anger. And then the nickname really surfaced.

“King of the court. A Tyrant King.”

If Kageyama no longer wanted to treat them with respect, then why should they treat him with it? That was the golden rule: treat people the way you wanted to be treated. So if Kageyama would push them until they dropped dead, they would to him too. They bullied him, they called him names, they abandoned him happily. Sometimes, some part of Kindaichi told him to turn back, ask Kageyama for forgiveness for all the things he’s done out of anger, ask Kageyama what was wrong because surely there was a reason for the sudden change, and then hug the boy and build Kageyama up again. But then that part would be squashed like a fly when Kageyama would yell at him to jump higher. And at some point, that thought just died out and Kindaichi completely gave up on Kageyama.

They played badly, in their third year when they played in the Finals, on purpose. They played badly, and refused to hit the ball he tossed, on purpose so he would be benched. And then after that, they played seriously even though they lost in the end. During that game though, whenever Kindaichi looked over to Kageyama’s hunched form, satisfaction washed over him.

‘This is what you get, King. This happened because of you. This is all your fault. We no longer want you or your tosses. We don’t need a Tyrant for a King. We’re abandoning you.’ He had thought at the time.

But, whenever Kindaichi would think back to that time, an event would always stick out. After their game, Kindaichi had gone to the bathroom, and by the sink, Kageyama was crouched on the floor. Kindaichi had called out, wanting to rub into his face just how much he and the team hated him, but instead he was faced with Kageyama’s tears. Kageyama, his Kageyama, was crying. His face blotchy and cheeks red from crying into his sleeves. His eyes blurred by big fat tears and so much sadness, hurt, and betrayal. His silk hair sticking to his face from the tears and sweat. And Kindaichi had never felt so much hurt, yet at the same time, been so captivated. Kindaichi always knew that Kageyama was absurdly pretty for a boy, and when he was crying, Kageyama was just as beautiful. Kindaichi could not look away or move, even when Kageyama glared at him, pushed him away, and ran, Kindaichi still didn’t move. It was only after he arrived home, did he realize that Kageyama cried because of him. Kageyama cried because Kindaichi had betrayed him and his trust. He cried because, at that moment, their friendship had been broken, and by Kindaichi, the one who initiated it first. But...Kindaichi could still not forget just how pretty Kageyama was. Kageyama was so pretty, crying for him, crying because of him. Kageyama was so pretty because that was the first expression Kindaichi ever saw since the beginning of their second year where it was only filled with glares and scowls. It was so pretty because it was only ever going to be him who saw such an expression on Kageyama. Yet, Kindaichi was also hurt. This wasn’t entirely his fault. Kageyama, too, was at fault. Kageyama betrayed him first.

Kageyama didn’t go to Aoba Johsai or Shiratorizawa, but instead to some noname school. And yet, when they met at the training match, Kageyama seemed happier. Granted that it hasn’t been long, it already seemed like Kageyama had forgotten them. And that shrimp. The orange haired kid seemed to be the reason why. Kindaichi could almost agree to what Hinata said, but then those memories would appear and that thought would vanish. Kageyama may have been a good setter, but he wasn’t a good teammate. He would toss anyone who was no use to him away.

And yet, their team played so well. How did the shrimp hit Kageyama’s toss even though he was just mocked earlier? How could the blonde dude with glasses work so well with Kageyama even though they were fighting earlier? How could his team trust and rely on Kageyama even though he was always so mean and harsh? But they wouldn’t keep this streak for long. Oikawa would come, and Seijoh would win.

But they didn’t.

Some part of Kindaichi didn’t care because this was only a practice match, but some part of Kindaichi raged that Kageyama had already forgotten them and chose another team. And the latter only grew after Kageyama apologized. Why should he accept his apology? Kindaichi suffered because of Kageyama! Kindaichi’s body was always hurting because of Kageyama! His heart was always hurting because of Kageyama! So why?! Why should he forgive Kageyama?! But Kageyama only nodded his head, saying that he knew his actions were wrong, that it was all his fault, that he had reflected, that Kindaichi did not need to forgive him, and then he just left. He left, again. He left like he did with their former team. But this time, he left with a new, loud, smiling, orange teammate by his side. That was usually his spot. Was.

Then they met again in an actual match, and Karasuno lost. Kindaichi cheered, rubbing it in Kageyama's face that he was better. That Seijoh was better than some noname school. That his team was better than Kageyama’s. And yet, it still hurt watching Kageyama fall to the floor and hunch into himself. But this was fine. He had shown Kageyama that a Tyrant King could never change. He had shown Kageyama that he didn’t need the boy at his side to succeed; that he didn’t need the setter at his side to win. It was fine.

Then, Karasuno won their next match. Karasuno won the chance to go beat Shiratorizawa. Karasuno won the chance to go to the Finals. Karasuno won the right to be Kageyama’s team. Karasuno won the right to be loved by Kageyama. No, they already won it before they won against Seijoh. They won it the moment Kageyama stepped in and they welcomed him with open arms. He was hurt that they lost, and yet, Kageyama’s smiling face had hurt more. Kageyama’s smiling face had hurt more because it was more enchanting than his crying face. It had hurt more because he hadn’t seen it for so long. It had hurt more because Kindaichi wasn’t the one to make him smile. Instead it was the orange shrimp, the tall blonde with glasses, the baldy, the captain, the long hair ace, the silver setter, the team. It wasn’t Kindaichi. It had been once upon a time. But it was also destroyed by him. His Kageyama was his no more. Kageyama was Karasuno’s now, just like how Karasuno was Kageyama’s.

After the game, after crying with his team, after laying in his bed, did he realize that his heart had started to beat again, even after bleeding for so long. It started to beat again for the person who made it bleed. That was a lie. It still had been beating even after Kageyama clawed at it. It had been beating even after he clawed at Kageyama’s. And now, it started to beat harder. It started to heal itself again, because Kindaichi hoped . Kindaichi knew Kageyama’s heart still hasn’t healed completely, because both he and Kunimi took a part of it with them, and the same could’ve been said to Kageyama. The crow had taken a part, a big part, of their heart with him. It was time for it to be restored and strengthened again. Even after so long, even after so much, his love for Kageyama could never waver. He could hide behind his mask of hate forever long he wanted, but his heart would never stop loving just because he was hurt; just because they couldn’t communicate correctly.

Maybe Kageyama never felt the same, maybe Kageyama will never feel the same because of how much they put him through, but Kindaichi could try . He could try to form another bond. He could try to make Kageyama smile beautifully because of him again. He will try, and he’ll succeed no matter what.


It's can be so beautiful, yet be so angst filled at the same time. They do make a cute couple, and their middle school shit makes some good drama to add into their works, but if you can play it off well, they do make a good couple. i don't really want to go into this too much, but again, if you want a powerpoint of all the kage ships and why each could work, just say so :)

Next chapter will be angsty as well, i mean it is Sleepy-chan

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