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Hello, my readers. I know this isn't what you expected when you got a notification, but at this point and time, I can not sit still and not do anything. 

As stated in the news, there have been a growing number of cases regarding the harassment and even deaths of Asians caused by people in America. And even though, this has been a things for so long, it takes a shooting for people to finally realize that Asians are being targeted. In addition, the situation regarding the Coronavirus, has not only increased the hate against Asians, but it has caused people to finally take action against them, against us. 

Yes, I am Asian.

And I'm sorry that I have to post a chapter about it, individually, but if I have a platform I can use to spread the news globally, then I will use it. This chapter may be taken down or it may not be, and I'm sorry this is something for you must come across in this story. 

Now, I know this isn't something new. America was built off of racism, and even after hundred of years, things haven't seemed to change. You can have your own opinion, you can like whoever you want, but that does not justify you harassing said people. Your feelings of dislike does not justify a mass shooting, causing the death of a single race. 

To my fellow people of color, keep going. We have all strongly stood our ground before and we should and will continue to. The hate we get is not something we deserve because of something like race. 

To the people who show support, thank you. Thank you for creating a rebellion for Black lives. Thank you for fighting for Mexicans. Thank you for speaking about Muslims and their beauty. Thank you. And if I may, I would like to ask that you continue. Only by banding together can we overcome hardships like these. 

Be aware, the color of your skin does not justify your actions either. The things we do, anything negative or positive, is not solely because if race. We all are people, and we all are different. If someone does something bad, do not blame the race. 

I'm sorry to those out there who have experienced such hate and acts of violence. I'm sorry for the families that have to get a call saying that one if their family member is hurt ur us dead because they were not born the "right" race. I'm sorry to the people out there who get bunched with and judged against because the color is their skin, the culture they grew up in, or the beliefs they hold. This goes for White people as well. There may have been people your race causing harm, but we will not judge you because of that. 

So please, go and donate to these charities, and know that these are only few of many. Anything will help. And please, spread the word. We do not need more people to die and be hurt because society did not find us to be "normal". Thank you. 









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