The Festival

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The Festival

Okay, so it's right then left? No, that feels weird. Left then right. Now the stupid thing is too high off the ground. Maybe they're supposed to come together and I tie them with that cord? Arrg! That's it!

"Mom!" Toph screamed, no longer able to keep her patience.

Huiliang Bei Fong and Katara both came into Toph's bedroom and had a difficult time containing their snickers. Toph was wrapped rather clumsily in an old fashioned style kimono with an entirely irritated look on her face.

"Why did you have to make this so complicated?" Toph asked.

"It's not complicated," her mother replied. "It's detailed."

"Well its details are complicated!"

"Hold your arms out and hold still," Katara smiled. "We'll get you ready in no time."

The independent part of Toph was angry that she needed help getting dressed, but the more realistic part was grateful for it. It was not often that Toph concerned herself with appearances, she could not really appreciate them, but Katara had kind of unintentionally made her feel . . . what was the word? Unnoticeable. When she and Zuko had arrived for the double date Aang had asked for, everyone clamored on and on about how beautiful she looked in Zuko's mother's kimono. Even Aang.

Now Toph was well aware that Aang thought Katara was attractive. Every guy that had ever met her did. She also knew that Aang only complimented her because he was an honest, kind person. She knew that she had no reason to feel jealous, so she didn't. But it was still a little upsetting. Not like mad upsetting, just upsetting. She wanted Aang to tell her that she was beautiful. So when everyone was just about ready to go, Toph had pulled her mother aside and asked if she had any formal wear like Katara's. Now, Toph was almost sorry she had asked.

"You look so good!" Katara told her as she pulled the final cord around Toph's waist.

"Like a porcelain doll," her mother agreed.

"You think he'll like it?" she asked. Toph bit her tongue tightly. She had not meant to ask that out loud.

"He'll love it!" Katara answered immediately. "Let's show him!"

Katara took Toph by the hand and began to drag her into the living room. Before Toph could protest, she heard the gasps of the men who were waiting for them.

"You look lovely," her father beamed. Of course she knew her father would compliment her, but she smiled for him anyway.

"A beautiful sight indeed," Gyatso agreed. "Don't you think so, Aang?"

Toph waited for his answer with baited breath. It was his idea for the four of them to go to the festival on this double date. It was for him that she had gotten all dressed up. Okay, it was for her too, but he could still tell her she was beautiful. But he did not answer. Aang cleared his throat nervously before speaking.

"Let's go," he said, smiling just as nervously as he had coughed. "The sun's going down and I want to be sure we get to see the whole festival!"

She was slightly disappointed with Aang's response, but Toph let it slide after they had arrived at the festival grounds. The whole area was alive with sounds and vibrations that tickled her senses! The scents were so sweet and strong she could practically taste every food stand as they walked by. Even the clunk clunk clunking of Aang's crutch did not bother her.

"So what do we want to do first?" Zuko asked.

"Games!" Aang cried out.

"Yeah!" Katara agreed. "Games!"

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